Proposals for the party's identity marks

I’d have to agree with your final points there, as it seems like the idea can do far more for humanity than simply fair and accountable governance. I think the one of the greatest problems the western world is facing right now is the lack of… Well, meaning. The ongoing crumbling of religion and traditional social bonds has given us a vacuum, one where many are lost as to the direction things should take, their core values. If Meritocracy could represent a new universal human constant in the form of new common goals rather than dogmatic creed, that would be nice.

We’re not asking anyone for blind obedience or unreasonable leaps in either trust or logic. Every message we offer can easily be argued for in defense of. We’re not replacing X with Y here, we’re attempting to create something to go beyond that. Well - at least from a personal point of view. I can’t know your opinions regarding it of course nor would I expect very many to fully agree, but… It’s not as if it’s a harmful point of view? Feel free to disagree!

I think the one of the greatest problems the western world is facing right now is the lack of… Well, meaning. The ongoing crumbling of religion and traditional social bonds has given us a vacuum, one where many are lost as to the direction things should take, their core values. If Meritocracy could represent a new universal human constant in the form of new common goals rather than dogmatic creed, that would be nice.


I think fair an accountable governance is the shallow short term goal. If we extrapolate the core values of Meritocracy and examine the psychology behind genuine support of these goals, I think it is easy to see that Meritocracy offers much more than simple governance, or even global governance.

What I see and hope to promote is the unity of common ethics. Deep down I yearn for Enlightened Anarchy because in order for that fantasy to become a reality, all humans must ascend to a higher level of personal morality/self discipline/human interaction. What the world really needs if for everyone to operate from the same ethical/moral foundation and Meritocratic principles represent common ethics/virtue.

One example being ‘intolerance is not tolerated’. Everyone in support of this maxim is ultimately coming from a place of universal understanding and saying that, though they might not agree with everything in the world, they agree that intolerance of any kind is poisonous to progress. So in the name of progress and meritocracy, our supporters unite under an ethical maxim of universal tolerance.

Unified ethical maxims are what we should focus our symbolism on, in my opinion.

Hey all. I think it is best if the artists among us can create something original, perhaps with multi-layered symbolism. I just wanted to get the ball rolling and just did a light google search for some symbols and symbol ideas. I hope to see more people contributing to this because symbolism is quite important when it comes to a movement (or so I would imagine, this is my first attempt at rEvolution).

See if you can add any other symbols, any more concepts for symbols, and particularly and original pieces that could incorporate meritocratic values.

Have fun!

Here are some other thoughts for symbols to consider:

West African symbol for cooperation/interdependence - “Help me and let me help you”

West African symbol for friendship/interdependence - “The teeth and the tongue”

Tibetan Buddhist symbol for infinite love and interdependence - The endless knot

West African symbol for strength and authority

An open source symbol from to symbolize the oneness of the universe

The Ouroborus for self-creation/renewal - Eternally recreating itself for itself

More complex Ouroborus

Ouroborus surrounding the tree of life - This would just look cool on a flag :smile:

Of course a yin yang must be considered for harmony - simple and universal

Magic symbol for Harmony

Cool version of the scales for balance

Interesting lotus flower

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: Not great for the party, but maybe for uni-sex bathrooms at meritocratic HQ? lolz

Maybe too mystical but this representation of balance/harmony is really nice, I would put it on some letterhead

The arwen, symbol of balance between male and female - simplistic, easily reproduced

The meritocratic lion?

Boars as a symbol for courage, strength and power

I like the use of elephants as they are highly intelligent with a well developed social structure Stupid (american) republicans stole this though :frowning: