Filling the positions

Good morning Roberto,

After careful consideration, I now realize that I would not be able to commit to the time required to take up such a role, due to family and work commitments. Please accept my apologies for this Roberto. I had not intended to waste your time, but on this occasion, I will have to withdraw from the selection process.

Kind regards,


Good morning,

I would still like to be involved with Meritocracy in the UK, but at a lower level for now, at least until I can free up more time to invest in the party.



Hi John, no worries, itā€™s better to be forthright about these things! Glad that you still want to be involved :).

Greetings from America

I am currently on a bit of a medical hiatus from all activities that give me stress sooo I have lots of free time as well as doctors orders to pursue those things that cause me no stress and actively contribute to my neural health positively.

Of course this means LOTS of time for meritocratic endeavors as I cannot possibly think of a less stressful activity :smile:

I have already put forth some ideas of my own with regard to strategy and ideas for America in my introduction. I have since found threads that have better elucidated my ideas and am working on expanding off the ideas already presented.

It seems like more people are dropping out than volunteering. If there is something I can do, even if its to fill a spot for some paperwork, Iā€™d like to help.

At the end of the month I will be travelling back down to Florida and hopefully get the ball rolling on Meritocracy America, but given that I donā€™t have to be a citizen of the UK I am happy to lend my mind to whatever tasks (or monotonous paperwork, Iā€™m a team player) that is needed to help push the movement towards the tipping point.

As for my myers briggs, I havenā€™t taken one in quite some time but I had pretty inconclusive results. I am an (E/I)NT(J/P) meaning that on the scale I was halfway between E/I and halfway between J/P. If I recall correctly it was something like 51% E 49% I, and 53% P 47% J so if we split hairs, Iā€™m ENTP, although in the past year or two I would say Iā€™ve probably tipped towards the introverted side of the spectrum.

So take that as you will and Iā€™ll take another Myers Briggs tomorrow and see what the online version says :smile:

Suffice it to say I am adaptable and comfortable in a variety of niches. My ability to travel to the UK is non-existent as plane tickets across the pond are outrageously expensive.

Is there anything I can write up, edit, research, or contribute to the UK while I try to figure out what the hell to do with this Florida State constitution?



Please consider me for nominating officer. I think Iā€™d be suited to this roll due to the experience Iā€™ve gained working on previous meritocracy projects, within teams of meritocrats. I am more than familiar with the general principles of meritocracy and I have a good insight into what qualities I think it would take to be an ideal candidate to stand on behalf of the party.

My Myers and Briggs type is INTP. When working within a random group of people, I usually end up in management or administration rolls. What I hate most about working with others is bitching, backstabbing, lack of confidentiality, moaning, constant bickering and whining about irrelevant nonsense, and general herd behavior that is counterproductive to a pleasant working environment. Minus those things, I generally like working with others.

In regards to spare time, I can hopefully spare 2 days a week and some week nights to work on this party.




@Taylor_Martin you may or may not find it tedious, but we definitely need someone to thoroughly go over the constitution proposed over here: Project: Creating the UKMP Constitution and to benchmark it against other partyā€™s constitutions to see whether weā€™re missing anything essential or important.

If youā€™re going to be writing a constitution for Florida then youā€™ll be absorbing how these things are normally written. Iā€™m guessing the bigger parties have them written up by lawyers, so thereā€™s lots to learn.

If anyone else reading this can take a look too at the constitution thatā€™s been posted to the other thread and at the constitutions of other parties, thatā€™d be great! Thanks :).

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Awesome, thanks!

I can vouch for Mike by saying that he has worked to push Meritocracy forward since the very beginning and is based in the UK.

The current picture of the initial team woud look like this at the moment:

###UK Meritocracy Party

  • Party Leader: Nial
  • Party Treasurer: Roberto
  • Nominating Officer: Mike Baker
  • Party Chairman: Roberto

###NI Meritocracy Party

  • Party Leader: Nial
  • Party Treasurer: Roberto
  • Nominating Officer: Orrin Burns
  • Party Chairman: Roberto

There are more positions defined in the constitution such as Party Secretary and General Secretary but they donā€™t have to be filled to get the party officially registered.

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Glad to see that the parties are starting to come together. I found the idea of filling one of these positions rather daunting, and it sounds like you guys are much more suited! Iā€™m happy to help out any way I can though. Realistically I can dedicate a few hours a week since my schedule is always pretty full.

My MBT is INTJ. When working with a group of people I generally start off taking a back seat and assessing the situation but normally end up being the voice of reason. The thing I hate most when working with other people would be the ā€˜know it allā€™, and just general lack of listening skills.

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@Roberto Sure Iā€™ll definitely take a look at it. As for the Florida constitution I was just going to go over the one currently written and edit it for meritocratic principles and then submit it here for revision. Iā€™ll see what I can come up with in the next week or two. Currently in the process of moving back to Florida so things are a bit hectic but Iā€™ll find the time. I am not familiar with the party systems of the UK but I will compare what we have with what I can find online from other parties in the UK.

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I know this hasnā€™t been covered in the above positions but do you require anyone for the UK Meritocracy Party to be involved in any forms of creative writing or publicity material? I am an INFP with no formal qualifications but I believe myself to be a capable writer, able to communicate messages well and re-ignite the fire in the bellies of the people required to change this country. I enjoy writing, I have written articles for a couple of websites/fansites and I fully support the meritocratic vision. Please let me know if this might be a possibility. Many thanks.


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Sure, writers are always welcome, thanks for offering!

Whatā€™s the first thing that you think should be written about?

No problem! I'd enjoy it.

How about some material generally outlining all the mainstream political party policies and how meritocracy trumps them all? Or something along that line? Or should I have a think?

That sounds good to me. Itā€™s really up to you though :).

Hi Roberto!

Sorry this has taken so longā€¦itā€™s a
divergence from my original intentions but Iā€™ve created a leaflet/flyer
which can be distributed door-to-door, posted on notice boards and used
wherever it can be effective. Would you like to check it?


Hi Matthew!

Sure, please feel free to post it to a new topic. Maybe under the title ā€œInfo Resources for UKMPā€? That way weā€™ll have a general place for people to upload their designs to.

If youā€™re not sure how to upload, you can do so from within a new post by clicking on the icon thatā€™s on the edit toolbar or by using the CTRL + G shortcut.