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  • How would you rate your public speaking and writing skills?
  • Please list any other languages besides your native language in which you are able to speak and write fluently.
  • Please indicate what types of writing you would like to produce for the Meritocracy International, e.g. expository, persuasive, creative, etc.
  • Please provide a short promotional piece for Meritocracy. The piece can be personally reflective, critical, or argumentative. This is to demonstrate your skill as a writer and communicator.

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Hey there,

My name’s Walker and I am requesting an author account for In the following section I have provided answers to all questions in the order in which they were posed:

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, I would place my public speaking skills at a 6 and my writing skills at a 7. My strengths lie in pop-culture criticisms and opinion pieces. However, expository or heavily argumentative writing (such as academic philosophy) is somewhat more difficult for me, though I am improving both in my academic career.
  • I cannot speak or write in any languages other than my native language, English.
  • I would like to write creatively and persuasively for Meritocracy International. My plan from the outset is to compose a series of pieces critiquing modern society in an effort to create discussions centered around change. I already have two articles drafted.

Finally, as I could not upload a file for my promotional piece due to the newness of my account, I will include it in this reply. It is as follows:

America. Is it the land of the free? Or the land of false promises? Obama promised change in ‘08, and again in 2012. He must have lost his promises somewhere on the campaign trail. He promised transparency, only to deliver secrecy. He promised not to let bankrupt corporations pay exorbitant bonuses to their CEOs. He promised a slew of other things, many of them tax related, but they were all left at the door when he entered office. Well, what can you expect from a Wall Street puppet?

Nothing ever happens in America. Whoever is in office, nothing ever changes. Red or blue, it doesn’t matter. Why is that? Conservatives blame big government. Bureaucracy causes problems, they say. We need less government. However, is it not more plausible that the government isn’t big enough? The State is almost non-existent in America. It’s another false promise, an illusion bankrolled by the Rockefeller family. Where it does exist, it certainly doesn’t promote the interests of the people. Only the interests of the corporations.

Party politics is dead. Useless. It has proven the only thing it’s good for is producing content for stand-up routines. But what will replace it? What can fill the void?

Enter Meritocratic Democracy. Say goodbye to corporate pets like Obama and Bush. Our leaders will no longer be brought-to-you-by Goldman Sachs. Our leaders will be proven to be the most effective. They will be only the most meritorious. Like Plato’s Philosopher King, they will be men fit to rule due to their virtue. They certainly will not be Last Men. They will not salute the Texas Longhorns on national television. And, most importantly of all, their promises will not be empty.

Isn’t this a world to be desired? Wouldn’t this be a world we could finally take seriously? Democracy has had its chance, America. Let’s get these dancing clowns off stage and replace them with leaders who shine.

Thank you for reviewing my material and I look forward to your decision.




Hi Walker, thank you for your post. Your account has been created and the login info should be in your email.

Hi Walker! Please contact me at I’m Helen Bacchus (aka Jelyrsu Bundonu), editor in chief for TMI.

Also check out at the website. Way to go! Thank you for your original contribution. We look forward to more. Great to have you.


I have a question. Who are these people posting debasing comments (Claude DuPont and Bryan Newman)? They seem like they’re written by the same hand. I’m not even in the Illuminati. I’d like to reply to Bryan Newman’s comment in response to my article personally (and respectfully, of course) if ya’ll decide not to toss it.

Trolls, that’s why their comments aren’t approved. They want attention, so it’s better to ignore them.

I gotcha. I’ve never understood what that term means. “Troll.” The comments all sound like they’re from the same dude, but I’ll let it go.

How would you rate your public speaking and writing skills?

Spoken Romanian: 8/10
Written Romanian: 8/10
Spoken English: 6/10
Written English:7/10

Please list any other languages besides your native language in which you are able to speak and write fluently.

Stated above.

Please indicate what types of writing you would like to produce for the Meritocracy International, e.g. expository, persuasive, creative, etc.

Informative, persuasive, and creative

Please provide a short promotional piece for Meritocracy. The piece can be personally reflective, critical, or argumentative. This is to demonstrate your skill as a writer and communicator.

///Violence: Persuasive piece about the must of making people believe in transhumanism

An act of violence is one’s response when a maximum of tolerance has been reached, and not only. People are very receptive to other’s words or acts, which influences their decisions, standards and so on. A nice example of how one’s behaviour is influenced by what one sees and hears is the Medieval times, more exactly the Dark Age, when the voice of Europe’s population was represented by the Catholic Church. Educated to behave as ‘sheep’ people would believe the Earth is flat, the army of Muslims is the devil’s instrument, and that doctors with superior knowledge about medicine are practising witchcraft. ( I now connected people to my knowledge so they’ll be able to follow the same path of reasoning) .
Madness such as crusades would still be happening today if it weren’t for people to start reasoning and light a candle into the darkness. As time was passing, these ‘candles’ would shine more powerfully and would reduce the number of wrong steps people would take, and the number of blind stabbings that has always happened.
Violence could be seen as a symptom of a disease that is caused by one’s inability to judge or reason against it (Hint violence is bad #nopacifist). We all act violent at some point. Some of us do it more often than others. I am saying, yes, that we are all diseased, but this is our nature. We’re all in the dark more or less, but we’ve become smarter and we’re growing more intelligent everyday. Intelligent enough to build ourselves generators and torches.
If I may I would like to associate the generator with the trashumanist movement and torches with the participants, and us. All of us. (Would continue)

(I wrote this piece now. If it were a real article I would create a draft of the expanded and reviewed version of this piece and let the moderator analyse in order to obtain approval.Maybe I’ll actually make an article out of this piece).


Thanks Andrei! Your account has been created and the login info should be in your email.

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these are my answers

  • How would you rate your public speaking and writing skills?
    *** i dont like to rate me but in both the cases i am good
  • Please list any other languages besides your native language in which you are able to speak and write fluently.
    *** besides English i can read, write and communicate in HINDI, BENGALI,NEPALI AND ASSAMESE.
  • Please indicate what types of writing you would like to produce for the Meritocracy International, e.g. expository, persuasive, creative, etc.
  • Please provide a short promotional piece for Meritocracy. The piece can be personally reflective, critical, or argumentative. This is to demonstrate your skill as a writer and communicator.
    Religion what we see today is just like a medicine which is keeping all the human race in a deep sleep or in hallucination so that no one would seek for the truth of the Divine . It is keeping us away from our basic reality {e.g.-why are we on planet earth? # What are our Major roles in the life span? etc}.
    If we humans think deeply or investigate properly with proper evidence we can see that how religion has detained us from climbing the stairs of being human . Religion have always taught of God and his rules rather what is around us and what we all can do with it .
    It has created a big gap in all the humans by creating caste. (Caste) what is it ?
    If religion was so full of light then why does it create difference within the same race (humans). Think
    Most of the people don’t think twice and make horrible moves in the name of religion, e.g.-people start killing each other on the basis of only one difference {which merely exists} that is difference of religion.
    why don’t we people remove this VEIL [religion] and see this world , what we will see is UNITY .
    UNITY among humans .
    People say that “what i see is i believe” . But no one yet has seen God.
    Did religion give US Technology, electricity and all the products WE use in daily life {WHICH MAKE OUR DAILY LIFE SIMPLE} ?
    The answer is NO.
    It has only given mythological stories and some MORAL SCIENCE. And we are so much into the myth that we start killing our own race …
    WE are in a new generation where we have to move forward and make this world a better place , where our future generation will live free and in peace.
    Religion is not only the main reason for our CORRUPTED world , there are many more but it is one of the major cause.
    These are some basic points to prove that RELIGION IS ACTING LIKE A VEIL BETWEEN HUMANS AND THE REALITY.

Hi Tanvir, would you mind providing a short promotion piece for Meritocracy if you’re interested in becoming an author for

Hello Roberto… ok then i will …

Here it goes … its bit short but efective

#Few questions to the members of planet earth.
*Do you really know how money is controlling you and your life?
*Don’t you want peace and equality?
*Do you Know the main hands behind corruption ?
*Don’t you think the present day education system is going backwards?

To find your answers join Meritocracy Party.

What has so called Democracy given you ?

Ans- It has given CORRUPTION ,INEQUALITY ,SLAVERY, WAR and POVERTY. It has always denied true talents.
Talents has been overpowered by Money in this democratic world , here every day you are working so hard and some one else is enjoying the benefits of it. Democracy is making the rich more rich and the poor more poor .


In order to make a more meaningful contribution to the Meritocracy Movement as a writer I submit the following for your review.

•How would you rate your public speaking and writing skills?
I’d consider my public speaking and writing skills both as an 8.
•Please list any other languages besides your native language in which you are able to speak and write fluently.
•Please indicate what types of writing you would like to produce for the Meritocracy International, e.g. expository, persuasive, creative, etc.
Persuasive and creative
•Please provide a short promotional piece for Meritocracy. The piece can be personally reflective, critical, or argumentative. This is to demonstrate your skill as a writer and communicator

We stand here today in a uniquely privileged position to advance mankind’s historic struggle for freedom. I speak of freedom from tyranny, freedom from poverty, freedom from economic exploitation and the most important freedom of all the freedom to fulfill ones potential. As members of the human race we have a duty to ourselves and each other to ensure each person has adequate resources, a positive uplifting environment, and an outstanding education to ignite the divinity that lies in each of us. Every time a child receives a substandard education, every time a person dies from a curable disease, simply put every time a person is inhibited by his surroundings from becoming all he is capable of becoming we are all degraded. The degradation lies in the fact that each person has unique gifts and talents that under the most favorable conditions can contribute to the greater wellbeing of all mankind. To starve people of knowledge, to be apathetic toward the suffering of our fellows is to accept an injustice persecuted against ourselves. We must understand that each human being has infinite potential to excel and achieve and we must structure society with this in mind giving each person the opportunity to achieve self actualization.

The inevitable question becomes are we living in a system of government, economics, and social relations which regards each human being as infinitely precious? Not even close, but why not? Why should we accept anything less from our respective governments? Everything about our global society points to the unacceptable conclusion that society is structured to disproportionally benefit those with the most wealth and the most well connected. Injustice is engrained in societies the world over. From the moment of birth we are met with injustice. Who your parents are determines in large part the trajectory of the rest of your life. You’re most likely to die in the same economic and social class that you were born into and it’s no coincidence that this dynamic benefits those born into the higher strata’s of society.

Those born into privilege such as the Rothschild’s or Rockefeller’s are born into exceedingly more advantageous circumstances. They attend better schools, they are surrounded by more well educated people, their environment fosters their potential, and they have access to networks that most of us do not. And all of these advantages are given to them by luck of birth because of who their parents were. This is the very weapon the elite use to perpetuate their power over the populace and it must cease to be tolerated if we as a species are to fulfill our collective potential.

In contrast, those born into poverty, start life from an extreme disadvantage. There environment is negative, they are surrounded by drugs and crime, failure is inundated in every aspect of their neighborhoods, their education is substandard, and their minds are starved of the very essence of healthy living: inspiration, examples of success to emulate, and the resources to succeed. How many Albert Einstein’s did we lose out on because they were born into poverty? How many inventions, cures to diseases, and enriching ideas did we all miss out on because we allowed an elite class of piranha’s to destroy our collective potential?

Here’s another fact that should enrage all of us. 3.5 billion people are living on under $3 a day, while 85 people have just as much wealth as those 3.5 billion. There’s a direct connection between out of control wealth and the deplorable state of poverty. Make no mistake about it the wealthiest 85 people in the world are perpetuating this injustice not only against half the world’s population, but against all of us. Can you imagine the transformation of human society if we were to unleash the potential of 3.5 billion people? No problem would go unsolved, no challenge would go unmatched, and we would all ascend toward the divine using our god given talents and minds.

The purpose of existence is to actualize potential. Some people say God created the universe, but it can be more aptly argued the universe created God, the ultimate actualization of potential the universe can offer and human beings are part of this ascendance to divinity. Each human being has the potential to shed their flaws, to conquer their fears, and to soar into the heavens achieving only that for which a God could achieve. No person was born to live in poverty, to accept the fate for which an injust external world assigns to him. We are born to actualize our potential, to present to the Universe the greatest gift we can give: our potential realized for the betterment of all mankind. This is our duty and we must move irresistibly toward it to achieve such a high calling bestowed upon us.

What system and laws can maximize human potential, end systematic injustice, enable maximum social mobility, fund a world class tailor made education, and impede the formation of hereditary elites? One law and one system, the 100% inheritance tax and Meritocracy. A tax that many will have a knee jerk reaction in opposition, but under rational scrutiny is in the best interest of each citizen. Meritocracy is a holistic system built to extinguish corruption and elevate the most intelligent and most meritorious people in their respective fields to positions of power within the government where they will be held accountable to serve in the sole interest of the People. A true meritocracy can only be achieved when all children are given an equal opportunity in all regards especially education and the 100% inheritance tax will fund such a high standard. The days of mass producing students on a one size fits all assembly line of conformity must end. Finding what one excels at and is passionate about must be one of society’s main objectives. In a Meritocracy it will be. Each person has a calling a unique set of abilities that must be cultivated and it’s societies responsibility to ensure it is cultivated. Meritocracy will eliminate all barriers to fulfilling ones potential. The insidious crimes of nepotism and cronyism will be outlawed and stigmatized. Who your parents are will not define the trajectory of your life. Social mobility will be maximized in a just way. We can end injustice, we can inspire the world, we can give each an opportunity to achieve massively, and we owe it to the human race to create such a new world.

It’s time to dethrone the power Elite’s strangle hold on the human race and promote the world’s best minds to positions of power, to transform our world from a prison into a paradise, and to eliminate all barriers to mankind’s divine destiny. We can climb the highest mountains, we can conquer the steepest peaks, but we must unite in our common goals, realizing our common humanity we must move irresistibly toward our common dream.