Knowing our enemy: the Anti-Meritocratic Koch Brothers

Everybody please watch this video below, it’s only 17-minutes. In the video Bernie Sanders uncovers what the 2nd richest family in America has been doing behind the scenes. The Koch Brothers are Billionaire oil barons who own Koch Industries. This insidious company has been funding “think tanks” and giving millions of dollars in political donations to push laws to try to get rid of all welfare, all healthcare benefits, tax cuts to the rich and ultimately to destroy the government of the USA. Please watch the video below for more information.

"Who are the Koch Brothers?"

“At the heart of plutonomy, is income inequality. Societies that are willing to
tolerate/endorse income inequality, are willing to tolerate/endorse
plutonomy…So an examination of what might disrupt plutonomy - or worse,
reverse it - falls to societal analysis: will electorates continue to
endorse it, or will they end it, and why.”

Quote from the AC website.

For those who don’t know; Plutonomy means “rule by the rich”, it disguises itself in our fake democracy, democracy meaning “rule by the people”, the opposite of plutonomy.

The Koch Brothers know that the key to the Old World Orders power is income inequality, and Bernie Sanders mentions that they desire to end all minimum wage laws along with all welfare.


@Ed_Chy Do you think you’d be able to find other big anti-meritocrats? Having a list of powerful people that actively work against what we want to achieve would be handy.