An interest group outside our environment is a group that grown around an USA Perennial President Candidate, the very controversial ex trotskyite and former US Labor Party, currently in the fringes of the Democratic Party, Mr. Lyndon LaRouche and his LaRouche PAC / Basement Team his scientific “skunk works.” An alleged “unique amalgamates of moonbattery and wingnuttery,” these people have, as far as I can tell and, please correct me if I’m wrong, a lot of crypo Illuminism on their approach. From them we can use several insights that, as far as I understand, seem to me useful to our purposes.
The LaRouche PAC / Basement Team has provided us with an interesting concept that is the plasma torch, an form of controlled high density artificial plasma that decay in a designed fashion with the intend to stabilize neutrons and protons in a given configuration. Several desktop laboratories have confirmed it and researchers that I personally now have also confirmed it too, that is is possible to create new raw materials using as resource any kind of other material. The only thing that happens is that the whole process is very inefficient and is heavily depends on massive amounts of energy, what makes it economically inviable. Another effort on open hardware, of a similar amount of a LHC or Manhattan, or any new ISO standards has to be implemented. It has to have the following characteristics: 1) It has to put us in the edge of a new background of sciences and technologies, what has serious political impact, 2) it has as aim a new technological paradigm similar to the transition from pre-eletrics to post electrics or pre nuclear to post nuclear, 3) it has to be the advent of the quantum technological paradigm and our organization has to lead this process, 4) this can be used to developed the afore mentioned wallet device, and 5) for the transition period is has to produce two things namely: a) an high efficiency solid state generator and b) another commodity such as gold to serve as the bait of the endless source of liquidity in the scenario of plunging capitalism.
That liquidity has to run until the point where the use value vanished of material monetary form wealth to the point where is only exchange value and the monetary form serves only as an transparent token backed by a never before seen amount of artificial and extremely pure gold. Money is a concept not a thing, there is a say that “He who has the Gold rule, that is the Golden Rule” and capitalists get attracted by that. As ABRAXAS we can control our dark side and use the power to create wealth in a directed way that put us in charge of direction the objectives and quality standards we judge necessary to increase the FIB Index and energetic flux density available for our population, providing with that the means necessary for a Meritocratic Republic to work.
Similarly to the Hamiltonian directed credit to increase the energetic flux density as LaRouche proposes, we can do better than that and resolve the mentioned technological unemployment through FIB Index driven projects, in a manner that creates a Meritocratic Republic.
Some UFO related discussions that brought recently some severe insights on alien technology were in the background of this analysis and many of the materials of the Disclosure Project group on this theme may be a good starting point.
Over that, a contribution of mine. An Institutional approach to a Meritocratic Republic can star on this forms: 1) fusion of the senates/deputies and ministers in an meritocratic unity dedicated to manage the state monopolies and, 2) to be able to direct transparent credit to specific FIB index driven projects having as the clause petrea 3) to create the conditions where most of mankind can express their fully potential.
This must happen at the BRICS coalition, there is where I believe the future will happen…