On the Health of the Movement

Hello All XD,

I am not sure where to post this… apparently the UK Meritocracy Party has been dissolved according to companies house but I really vibe with the vision… man, and would like to speak to fellow travellers.

I recently authored a manifesto on which I intend to contest further elections, it seems pertinent to the interests of other people here:


Some things that I think it would be epic to discuss is breakdown of genetic vs. environmental impacts on ability etc. This would obviously have vast ramifications for Meritocracy Movement!!! rawr!!!

The British political situation is crying out for an alternative right now. Absolutely nobody believes Keir Beaver Shield Starmer is popular in any way, the Tories are dead, Reform are a bunch of spivs; and I think Meritocracy is the way forward.

I believe we have the chance of contesting the seat of North West Cambridgeshire as the current incumbent is facing a series of Scandals and will likely be soon deselected, from this, it would be easy to publicise our revolutionary ideas and win over rest of population for 2029 election.


Anyway, if anyone is still active on this site I’d really value your input, if you have any further inquiries you do not feel comfortable sharing here please contact me via substack and you shall receive my email. I firmly believe it is inevitable Meritocracy shall triumph, with or without the soi-distant Meritocracy Party UK. Those of you unwilling to join please ask any questions in the following thread :stuck_out_tongue:



We are an international movement, unlike the UK Branch which seemed oddly provinicial, anyone from around the world is welcome to have a chat about how to subjugate the tepid regimes of World Slavery

Rawr!!! xd

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My last link appears to have been broken by Elite Spies please use this one instead


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