*Austerity measures, in other words; taking away money & services from the people who need it most.
*Privatization, in other words; one person owning a whole set of mines or oil wells.
*Ending all minimum wage laws
*Tax cuts for the rich.
*Ending all welfare, or complicating the welfare process with 120-page forms and bureaucracy.
*“Job Creation” - check the numbers because they have been caught saying thousands of jobs will be created in instances when only 35-jobs were created. The “job creator” bullshit talk is hitting its peak.
*Abortion, Gay Marriage, and other topics used to distract us, usually having little or nothing to do with politics.
*Terrorists, Immigrants, Communists, and other Us Versus Them, divide & conquer strategies.
*People Who Just Want a Handout From the Government: This is code used by conservatives to say black people and minorities are stealing your money because they don’t want to work. Meanwhile, the millions of white conservatives who rely on these same programs are “good, upstanding Americans who just fell on hard times and earned these benefits.
*Climate Change is a Hoax: We’re nothing more than puppets for big oil. Their strategy is to sell doubt, just like the tobacco industry sold doubt for decades, saying “oh we just don’t know, or the data isn’t conclusive”, even though they knew smoking caused cancer in the 1950’s.
*“I believe in the American Dream and America”, bullshit demagogue talk, watch out for these assholes. Watch out for extreme Nationalism like Hitler’s view of Germany.
*“I believe in God, and the Bible, and you will not stop us!”, watch out for Abrahamism, more people have been killed by those 3 religions combined than anything else in history.
“Jesus wants you to burn in hell”, really? I thought Jesus would manifest endless fish and bagles in heaven, didn’t know they were toasted bagles.
*Class Warfare: Indefensible act of pitting America against the wealthy; perfectly reasonable when mocking moms on welfare.
*The Corporation: it has the same legal status as a human and cannot be killed by anything. A corporation has no face, it exists across nations, and can do unlimited environmental damage. When the corporation is caught and cornered it pays out the occasional lawsuit for a few billion dollars, no big deal for them.
*Entitlement Society: Large corporations who demand public subsidies every time they build a facility, move their headquarters, or threaten to relocate to Botswana or Mississippi. Wait. No. Scratch that.
*Environment: Convenient place to dump car batteries and kitchen appliances.
*“Food Stamp President” - because food is less important than luxury hotels and hookers.
*Free Market: Utopian world where corporations are allowed to conduct business without interference from price-fixing, consumer protection, or child labor laws.
*Global Warming: Theory shared by 99 percent of the world’s scientists that man-made pollution is warming the Earth’s atmosphere. Easily discredited by pointing to that one day in February when it was pretty cold.
*Gotcha Journalism: Shameful media practice pioneered by Katie Couric.
*Homosexual Agenda: Conspiracy co-chaired by Satan and Neil Patrick Harris to convince America’s youth to quit football and pursue careers as botanists and defense lawyers.
*Illegals: American slang for “Mexican.”
*Jesus: Celebrated deity who preached that “the poor should get a damned job already” and that all human suffering could be averted by simply lowering the capital gains tax.
*“I support Israel”, that country has nothing to do with America, grow some balls Yankees.
*No Free Healthcare, because we want people with toothaches to become killers.
*Science: Discredited field of study practiced by sissies at northern liberal arts schools that suck at football.
*Tea Party: People who hate socialism and government entitlements but live off Social Security and Medicare because that stuff doesn’t count.
*Endless Wars: when will they all end? Will we kill “terror”? Yet the common cold kills more people than terrorism each year.
*“You want China to beat us?” They moved all the real jobs there all long time ago, just check the labels of all the crap you’ve bought.
*“I support the middle-class”, no you don’t and social mobility peaked in the 70’s.
*Trickle-down economics; a laughable concept, in the last 5-years all of the GDP growth in the US has gone to the top 1%, while everyone else’s wages went down.
*Capitalism is a word most people don’t like, so they use “economic freedom” or “free market” instead.
*Fracking; in Australia for 7-years of fracking we can permanently ruin our ground water and future farming capabilities. But it’s totally worth it for 7-years of job creation by the job creators fuck yeah!!
*No limits on Political Donations, errrm don’t you mean Bribes?
*Please add more to this list, what is our enemy doing?