The Logo

Cool symbol being used for the Logo - anyone know what it means or where it comes from?

Good question. It would be good to know before someone asks and we answer; ā€œuh, I donā€™t know.ā€

Do you mean the Omega symbol? It signifies that Meritocracy is the last and final system.

The Omega symbol has layers of meaning, but the one I was referring to was the one on the top of this page. Iā€™ve seen it called a compass and a wind rose, I guess thatā€™s indicating the four corners from where the winds blow.
My interpretation is quite different and I wondered if anyone else out there was querying the accepted story of universal beginningsā€¦

You may be right, what I also notice is that it retains the Templar Cross.

The Templar Cross has also been shown to represent a 2d plan of a pyramid. I see where youā€™re coming from but perhaps Iā€™m just researching things that havenā€™t caught other peopleā€™s eye yet. It happens :smile:

Interesting, the two crossing lines also represent where the material and mental worlds meet. Thatā€™s from the AC website.

From my own intuition: If you observe a vortex like a spiral galaxy, you will notice one horizontal spinning plane which looks like a line from the side, and coming out of every black hole - in the center are two vertical jets, these make a vertical line. Therefore any black hole can be symbolized by the cross too.

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the two crossing lines also represent where the material and mental worlds meet.

Have you looked at the Prime Number Cross? A phenomenal piece of work by Peter Plichta.

I like your intuitive take, black holes symbolising a cross. Iā€™ve just started reading Van Flandernā€™s Dark Matter, Missing Planets and New Comets - have you explored the theories of plasma cosmology?


an AToN = Aid To Navigation. I to not know what the intention/meaning of the symbol being used here but, when I see it, it makes me think of AToN. Also, out of ancient Egypt, Aton (or Aten) = The One Godā€¦ā€œRaā€ as opposed to multi god worship

yes, plasma being the 4th state of matter. I actually made an artwork based on this:

If you take high energy plasma into account the whole universe looks like a brain with electrical connections in between each star, as though each star is like one neuron in the brain.

Now iā€™m not convinced that the Prime Number Cross has anything to do with the material world. But since any thought is possible in the mental world then it may have some function there or act as some puzzle to solve. Just as a real triangle is impossible to make in the material world, if you zoom in you will always find round corners and zoom in further u will only see dots like stars. So the only place a real and perfect triangle can exist is in the mental world. I think this is the case with the prime number cross but i may be wrong.

The physical universe is incredibly stupid, it is almost entirely void of mind. There are only two forces - attraction and repulsion. Attraction is gravity and repulsion is heat. Heat increases the space between two particles, while gravity decreases the space between two particles. It is my theory that Matter converts directional energy (light) into rotational energy (heat). Heat is an effect but not a root cause, explaining how light can travel through all of outer space not producing heat, but as soon as it touches matter the reaction is heat, so heat is an effect. That is the physical world, it is incredibly simple and stupid, just like LEGO blocks on tiny scales, atoms and electrons, protons, neutronsā€¦ and the higgs boson giving mass to SOME but not all particles. The photon/light has no mass, it is a massless particle. So there are two world here interacting with eachother; namely the massless particles and the particles with mass, the mental and material worlds.

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The punctum/monad sits in the centre and emanates in all directions to infinity. It represents the monistic (monadic) nature of existence. It also reflects the Fourier Transform, the compass, and light. The two rays at the bottom of the star meet the I and O, linking in the digital/mathematical domain.


There is a great video on youtube concerning plasma called ā€˜The primer fieldsā€™. I also looked into Electric Universe Theory recently and it has some great explanations of archetypes and myths saying cosmic plasma discharges in the sky seen by early humans are the reason for the unusual cave paintings seen similarly worldwide, with no way of them being in contact with each other. Birkeland currents is the explanation given to star formation which looks similar to a DNA string visually.