The Stone Of Destiny & QE2

The first possible weakening of the power of the British Monarchy in recent times, was with the theft of the Stone Of Destiny by four Scottish Nationalist students on Christmas Day, 1950.

The Stone of Destiny [ Lia Fail ] is so important to the power elite, that it was moved for safety during the WW2 German bombing raids on London, instead of the crown jewels.

King George VI [ Father of the current Queen Elizabeth 2nd ] secretly feared the loss was a bad omen and a sign his reign was coming to an end. How right he was!

The students [ Ian Hamilton, Gavin Vernon, Kay Matheson, and Alan Stuart ] took the Stone of Destiny back to Scotland and hid it safely, while they took a fake sandstone block that had been used to practice with, then wrapped it in the Scottish national flag before leaving it at the symbolic Arbroath Abbey in Scotland, where the English authorities found and retrieved it. This episode was enshrined in folklore as ‘The Pinch.’

Though often perceived as a student prank, Ian Hamilton has always tried to make clear that he did it for political motivations. When the police believed the Stone would make his way back to Scotland, the border between Scotland and England was closed, for the first time in 400 years. The culprits were never charged, as the Crown Prosecution could never make the argument that the Crown actually owned the Stone.

The history of the Stone is said to go back to Jacob’s Pillow, the stone he layed his head on to receive visions. It passed through many hands and reached Scotland via Ireland.

Kings of Dalriada and later Scotland were crowned upon the stone, until Edward 1st of England [ Longshanks ] took it was a war trophy to Westminster Abbey in 1296, where it lay under the Coronation Chair of English and later British Monarchs, until 1950.

There’s much evidence to suggest the Stone of Destiny that the present Queen was crowned on is a fake.

Cambray in his ‘Monuments Celtiques’ claims to have seen the stone when it bore the inscription:

‘Ni fallat fatum, Scoti quocumque locatum Invenient lapidiem, regnasse tenetur ibidem.’

‘If the Destiny proves true, then the Scots are known to have been Kings wherever men find this stone.’

There is no such inscription on the official Stone.

The original stone’s weight was recorded as much heavier and its colour darker than the sandstone replica now on display in Edinburgh Castle, since it’s symbolic official return to Scotland again in 1996. Since then, Scotland has gained its own Parliament and almost voted for full independence in 2014. So maybe there’s some truth in ancient inscriptions and predictions.

The stone is to be sent to Westminster Abbey once again, whenever a future British Monarch is to be crowned.

What does all this mean?

QE2 must have known the stone found at Arbroath Abbey wrapped in a Saltire in 1951 was a fake. Hence her insistence of no close-up tv camera shots of her Coronation in 1953.

If the stone is a fake it calls into question the whole of her coronation ceremony as a fake. Also, as there was never an Elizabeth the 1st of Scotland, she simply cannot be Elizabeth the 2nd of Scotland, only England & Wales.

The 1950’s ‘Pillar Box Wars’: When red pillar post boxes appeared in Scotland with the inscription EIIR on them, they were actually firebombed and the inscription had to be changed to simply the ‘Crown of Scotland.’

The oaths she made were to God, yet her Lords & Ladies, politicians, armed forces personnel, judges, policemen etc… all have to swear allegiance to her.

In Britain, we walk on ‘the Queen’s Highway’ and up until recently, we were her ‘subjects’ not citizens.

“The concept of a subject remains in the law, and the terms the Queen’s subjects, Her Majesty’s subjects, etc., remain in use in British legal discourse.” [ Wiki ]

Queen Elizabeth II of England owns 1/6 of the planet’s surface. She is one of the wealthiest individuals on earth. Real wealth has always been vested in land ownership.

One example would be that all physical land in Canada [ 2.5 billion acres ] is the property of Elizabeth Windsor. There is no provision in the Canada Act or in the Constitution Act of 1982 which amends it.

All that Canadians may hold, in conformity with medieval and feudal law is an interestin an estate in land in fee simple. Freehold is tenure, not ownership. Freehold land is held, not owned.

Therefore, there is no doubt at all that she and her family are high up on the ladder of the power elites.

The UK system of government at present is known as a ‘Constitutional Monarchy.’ The Queen is said to be a powerless figure-head, but the reality is much different.

Would-be heir-to-the-throne in waiting Prince Charles is well known for writing personal letters to elected politicians, hoping to change government policy to suit his own views on architecture, alternative medicines and farming. And that’s just the issues we know about…

As the Monarchy is exempt from the Freedom Of Information Act, we cannot view what he’s written, or even whom he’s written it to! In a recent court case, the verdict was that release of this information would undermine his neutrality as a future King. [ I’ll bet it would! ]

So the only conclusion to draw is that there is direct Royal intervention on government policy. That’s far removed from the usual line that the British Royal family are powerless figure-heads.

Prince Charles also earns himself £19 million per year from his estates known as the ‘Duchy Of Cornwall.’ Compared with other European so-called ‘powerless royals’ he’s in a superleague of his own!

How long the British public are prepared to put up with this system left-over from the Middle-Ages is anyone’s guess. The vast majority of UK citizens have no idea of the true wealth & power of their Monarchy, most view them as ‘glamour celebs.’

The Queen’s intervention in the Scottish Referendum with an ‘off-the-cuff’ remark outside a Church was the last straw for many Scots of the 45% who voted ‘Yes’ to independence.

The last time the British public called the Monarchy into question was during the time of Princess Diana’s death.

I think it’s time they questioned it again and it’s our job as Meritocrats to get as much of the truth about their true power out there as we can. We also need to provide information on an alternative to the current set-up that will appeal to the majority. Lifting the British public’s rose-tinted glasses view of their Royals won’t be easy, but it has to be tried!

As interesting as this, it reminds me of the search of the ‘Ark of the Covenant’, it just sounds a bit conspiracy theory like.

To be sure the Royals are a menace but perhaps this would harm your endeavors to be taken seriously with talk of ancient blocks of stone. I am a local of the ancient kingdom of Dalriada, my town still officially being in that region have an interest in such a mystery, however, it may be the job for archaeologists.

The people, even in the current flawed system have the theoretical right to vote the Queen out of existence but the Stone of Destiny could be used as a symbol for such a campaign against the royals, a symbol of their illegitimacy however I do not think we need to be endorsing the truthfulness of an unproven theory.

Hi Niall - I too have links to Dalriada, my family also hailing from ‘Northern Ireland.’ There’s plenty of material in the article worth thinking about or investigating further, apart from the Stone Of Destiny.

Whether the one on display is real, fake or otherwise doesn’t really matter, it’s the importance the Royals themselves place on such symbols of power. Anything that undermine’s their power and ‘divine right of kings’ is all good in my book, given their position in the power elite.

Search and we will find…

Reworked Version #2 [ by request ]

The House of Windsor and the Stone Of Destiny

The first possible weakening of the power of the British Monarchy in recent times, was with the theft of the Stone Of Destiny by four Scottish Nationalist students on Christmas Day, 1950.

The Stone of Destiny [ Gaelic: ‘Lia Fail’] is so important to the power elite, that it was moved for safety during the WW2 German bombing raids on London, instead of the crown jewels.

King George VI [ Father of the current Queen Elizabeth 2nd ] secretly feared the loss was a bad omen and a sign his reign was coming to an end. How right he was!

The students [ Ian Hamilton, Gavin Vernon, Alan Stuart and Kay Matheson ] took the Stone back to Scotland and hid it safely. Allegedly they took a fake sandstone block that had been used to practice with, then wrapped it in the Scottish national flag before leaving it at Arbroath Abbey, where the English authorities found and retrieved it. This episode was enshrined in folklore as ‘The Pinch.’

Though often perceived as a student prank, Ian Hamilton has always emphasised that he did it for political reasons. When the police believed the Stone would make its way back to Scotland, the border between Scotland and England was closed, for the first time in 400 years. The culprits were never charged, as the Crown Prosecution Service could never make the argument that the Crown actually owned the Stone. Imprisonment would also have made political martyrs of the students.

The history of the Stone is said to go back to Jacob’s Pillow, where he lay his head to receive visions. It passed through many hands thereafter and eventually reached Scotland via Ireland.

Kings of ancient Dalriada and Scotland were crowned upon the stone, until Edward 1st of England [ Edward ‘ Longshanks’ ] took it as a war trophy to Westminster Abbey in 1296, where it lay undisturbed beneath the Coronation Chair of English and British Monarchs, until 1950.

There’s much evidence to suggest the Stone of Destiny that the present Queen was crowned on is a fake.

Cambray in his ‘Monuments Celtiques’ claims to have seen the stone when it bore the inscription:

Latin - ‘Ni fallat fatum, Scoti quocumque locatum Invenient lapidiem, regnasse tenetur ibidem.’

English - ‘If the Destiny proves true, then the Scots are known to have been Kings wherever men find this stone.’

There is no such inscription on the official Stone.

The original stone’s weight was recorded as much heavier and its colour darker than the sandstone replica now on display in Edinburgh Castle, since it’s symbolic official return to Scotland again in 1996. Since then, Scotland has gained its own Parliament and almost voted for full independence in 2014. Fake stone or not, maybe there’s some truth in ancient inscriptions and predictions.

The stone will be sent to Westminster Abbey once again, whenever a future British Monarch is to be crowned.

So, what does all this mean?

Elizabeth Windsor must have known the stone returned from Arbroath Abbey in 1951 was a fake. Hence a valid reason for her insistence of no close-up television camera shots of her Coronation in 1953.

If the stone is a fake it calls into question the whole of her coronation ceremony as a fake.

Also, as there was never an Elizabeth the 1st of Scotland, she simply cannot be Elizabeth the 2nd of Scotland, only England and Wales.

Hence the 1950’s ‘Pillar Box Wars.’ When red pillar post boxes appeared on the streets of Scotland with the inscription EIIR on them, they were vandalized to the point of being firebombed and the inscription had to be changed to simply ‘the Crown of Scotland.’

The oaths the Queen made at her Coronation were to God, yet her lords & ladies, politicians, armed forces personnel, judges, policemen etc… swear allegiance to her, not to God, or more importantly, to the people.

In Britain, we walk on ‘the Queen’s Highway’ and up until recently, we were classed as her ‘subjects,’ not citizens.

“The concept of a subject remains in the law, and the terms the Queen’s subjects, Her Majesty’s subjects, etc., remain in use in British legal discourse.” [Wiki ]

Queen Elizabeth II of England owns 1/6 of the planet’s surface. She is one of the wealthiest individuals on earth. Real wealth has always been vested in land ownership.

One example of this would be that all physical land in Canada [ around 2.5 billion acres ] is the property of Elizabeth Windsor. There is no provision in the Canada Act or in the Constitution Act of 1982 to amend it.

All that Canadians may hold, in conformity with medieval and feudal law, is an interest in an estate in land. Freehold is tenure, not ownership. Freehold land is held, not owned.

Therefore, there is no doubt at all that she and her family are high up on the ladder of the power elites.

The UK system of government at present is known as a ‘Constitutional Monarchy.’ The House of Windsor are said to be a powerless figure-heads, but the reality is much different.

Prince Charles, the current heir to the throne, is well known for writing personal letters to elected politicians, in hope of changing government policy to suit his own views on architecture, alternative medicines and farming. That’s just the issues we know about…

As the Monarchy is exempt from the Freedom Of Information Act, we cannot view what he’s written, or even whom he’s written it to! In a recent court case, the verdict was that release of this information would undermine his neutrality as a future King.

So the only conclusion to draw is that there is direct Royal intervention on government policy. That’s far removed from the usual line that the British Royal family are powerless figure-heads.

The Prince of Wales also earns himself a whopping £19 million per year from his estates known as the ‘Duchy Of Cornwall.’ Compared with other European so-called ‘powerless royals’ he’s in a super-league all of his own.

How long the British public are prepared to put up with this system left-over from the Middle-Ages is anyone’s guess. The vast majority of UK citizens have no idea of the true wealth and power of their Monarchy, most view them as harmless and glamorous celebs. ‘Carry On Up Windsor Castle’ in the true British tradition.

However, the Queen’s intervention in the Scottish Referendum with an ‘off-the-cuff’ remark outside a Church was the last straw for many Scots of the 45% who voted ‘Yes’ to independence.

‘The Queen told a well-wisher: “Well, I hope people will think very carefully about the future.” The comments came as she left Crathie Kirk near her Balmoral estate in Aberdeenshire after the Sunday morning service. ‘ [ The Guardian ]

If you’re in any way unclear what this actually meant, I can tell you as someone who worked voluntary for ‘YES to Scottish Independence’ that it was practically the death-knell for our campaign. The ‘Better Together UK’ movement were jumping for joy at her words, of course. So much for neutrality…

The last time the wider British public called the Royal Family into question was during the time of Princess Diana’s death. The tipping point was never closer. Only then did an undercurrent of a possible peasant’s revolt arise. Only in that moment did the wind whisper ‘revolution.’

It’s high time Her Majesty’s subjects questioned the whole concept of the Monarchy again. Lifting the glasses from the British public’s rose-tinted view of their Royals won’t be easy. It’s our duty as Meritocrats to get as much of the truth of their true power out there as we can. For the sake of true democracy, we must start today!

Unseating these pampered free-loaders from their golden thrones could unpin the cornerstones of the power elite’s ivory towers and the whole cancerous structures just might come crashing down around them. For the sake of true meritocracy, we cannot allow ourselves to fail!

SeĂĄn GearĂĄrd McCloskeyĂĄil - it looks like a giant cock! lol, nice read, thank you for sharing, I did learn a few things.

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Hi Ed - this is the Stone of Destiny Scottish Stone Of Destiny & more info about it. The one you found is at Tara in Ireland.

Thank you SeanMac, as soon as I saw the Coronation Chair it all started to make sense to me. Thank you again for sharing, I find this topic very interesting. You reckon Merlin had a stone like that?
Coronation Chair and Stone of Scone. Anonymous Engraver. Published in A History of England (1855)

Cheers Ed! Yes, I do think Merlin had such a stone - that would be the legend of ‘the sword in the stone’ & whoever could draw it out was the man worthy enough to be King. That was Arthur, mentored by Merlin from a young age. The whole of the Arthurian Cycle Mythology is said to be full of illuminati symbols - the sword, the stone, the chalice ( Holy Grail ) the round table, Merlin, the knights themselves ( Spiritual Warriors? ) and so on…

It’s based in the mythology of Wales geographically, though the Welsh kingdom peopled by ‘Britons’ was much larger, stretching all the way to the south side of the River Clyde in Scotland. Legend also has it that Merlin visited Loch Lomond and the Isle of Iona.

While meritocracy puts forth that everything is maths & numbers, it’s good to know as a mythology fan that there’s a link to the ancient past somewhere. I find myths fascinating, as they allow you to think outside the box of normal reason and find a fresh angle on something you thought unsolvable.

Talking of Merlin, an extra wee story, if I may…

My friends were down in a remote part of Mull Of Kintyre, camping & exploring where they could. No real roads, only dirt roads, no telegraph poles etc… Only farms, fields etc… They finally reached a pub ( tavern ) & of course, the barman wanted to know where they were from. ‘Glasgow’ … Conversation developed & then one of the camping group asked who the guy on the mountain bike with the grey beard was that passed them on the road earlier.

“Och,” said the barman ‘That’ll be the Wizard! He comes by every Tuesday’…

All as if it was perfectly normal. lol

Such is ‘Folklore.’ :wink:

SeanMac, I think we see eye-to-eye on many things. I too had the pleasure of being taught by a unique philosopher for around 7-years. Part martial arts “master”, although he never called himself a master, but other people did… and Part philosopher, the Ancient Greek type. If only I could tell you the truth about the things we experienced, but it would quickly fall into the realms of myth and legend. I do know in one of his past lives he was one of the greatest grand masters of the order. Around 500-BC or so… Now we’re down in Australia but we have great plans for this relatively new nation of ours. Most of our country is empty wilderness. There is much potential for something new to happen. But it is no easy task ahead of us, almost everything seems to be against us. While I can focus on my own discipline and learning, I cannot stop dreaming of what kind of Culture of learning we might be able to create. It would be easy for me to walk off into the wilderness and meditate, but I want more than that. I want the Star Trek future and to share that joy with my fellow men & women.

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Thanks for sharing Ed. At least we can all sow the seeds of the plans internationally, so there is hope for the future! The sheeple are slowly opening their eyes, one by one, to the fact that the whole game is rigged against them. There has to be a tipping point & we’ll reach it one day!

I agree that this time it has to happen organically and from within each individual. Because ultimately every previous revolution has failed. So this time there will be no leaders. When enough people are educated, the current fat controllers will slip up and make a mistake, and when that happens the people won’t tolerate it and then it’s over.

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Where were we? Oh yes, the Stone Of Destiny. Here it is …

The Stone Of Destiny / Stone Of Scone / Lia FĂ il

I find it interesting that the Royals still see this as a source of importance or power. The fact they will lose power or ‘face’ for something that could be considered by most, as a legend or myth. Elite capitalists hoarding religious artifcats is seen through history I know. It just makes me think they are even more greedy, having all the gold and riches, as well as the sentimental artefacts of esoteric value.

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