What is your why?

First of all I apologise for posting so much, I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading the “Introduce yourself” Posts. Lets see if we can promote some comradery within our community and review our why to joining this fight.

I want to know what your Why (motivation) is.
This could include…

  • Why did you come here?
  • Why are you still here?
  • What do you strive for in life?
  • What do you have to offer?
  • Whats your motivation?

What is your why, can you even remember it? And what are you going to now do about it?

Just as some encouragement, I remember a time when I was in my early teens. I was competing trampolining and doing very well at it. For it was my joy that pushed me. There was one skill, one movement in particular that I just could not master. I focused on it for months and lost all joy yet still no mastery. One day I was messing around and hurt my self bad. It took me out of the sport for 10 weeks. The whole time that I was in recovery I spent my time fantasizing about doing this move, despite the injury I Knew that I was still going to achieve it. The time exiled from the sport taught me a new level of appreciation for it. it gave me time to think and reminisce. To remind me of my foundation Why for the sport.

Making the comeback, I had so much fun and the first time I tried that “undefeated” skill, I landed it. I did it perfect. This is a story that i always come back to. It teaches me to always know my why for doing something. For if my intentions are wrong, corrupt or if i’ve just forgotten, Why am I still doing it?

A review could lead to the biggest breakthrough. :smiley:


Posts make this forum active.

I do this because I think the world is not fair. It aint ever gonna be if we don’t create superhumans with genetic manipulation and robotics, but until that time I would like to live in a world where decisions on the highest level are based on reason and not on gain. That’s why I am here. This world deserves better leaders.

This is a profound question and in any endeavor this is the most important question to be asked and answered.

My ‘why’ revolves around the realities of the human condition. Each one of us only has a finite time on Earth. With that in mind we as human beings have the will and wisdom to build a world that gives us all an opportunity to live a life of dignity, achievement, and freedom. The fight to build this type of world has been waged for centuries and we, for numerous reasons, are the closest generation to achieving such a world.

Some would say the grip of tyranny has grown tighter and more sophisticated and this may be so, but never forget the latent potential that is being galvanized by a human race finally connected to each other through the internet and mass communication.

So why am I here? Why do I want to fight for a new world? Because I’d never be able to forgive myself if I betrayed humanity, if i lived a life of pure self interest, and most importantly because I truly believe we can be the spark that ignites the minds of the masses to create revolutionary change. Think about that we can create a World that mankind has never seen in thousands of years of existence. That’s a World worth fighting for.


I have a few whys. The first one is that I have felt like a slave most of my life. I now know that I was unintentionally brainwashed by my family to be a servile creature. But deep in my soul I always felt there was more, that I could be more. That I was more.
When I was a small kid I saw Batman in theaters. The one with Jack Nicholson and Michael Keaton. I instantly knew I wanted to be him. A dark knight. I wanted to be a hero, and I was dead certain about that being my destiny as a kid.
I’m 30 years old now and I still want to be a hero. I want to help save the world. I don’t regard myself as being better than anyone because I believe every human has the potential for greatness inside them.
In my twenties I wondered what my cause was going to be, how could I make a difference. It was more of an unquenchable thirst. So ever since I was 18 I researched politics and stuff like that. It wasn’t until about a year ago that I learned about the meritocracy party.
So here I am, I’ve cast my lot with all of you, and I still believe humanity can save itself from the evil that has captured it.

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