Use this thread to post your activism ideas or join the facebook group Meritocracy Activism/Spreading Awareness Ideas.
Here are a summary of the ideas that we’ve thought of already:
Use Google (remember search commands - or use NSA: Untangling the web.) to find personal information of celebrities, popular youtube users, alternative news channels, movement leaders and introduce meritocracy to them. Consider email, Private and Confidential Letters, Talking to them at their home address, facebook spotted pages.
Create meritocracy flags.
Create Fliers, Stickers, Leaflets and stick them around your area.
Click here for resources.
Click here for places to stick them.
Create Music for the Movement.
Create blogs.
Create clothing.
Creating booklets to hand out.
Create an activism page on
Print fake meritocracy money (Download here), throw it around a busy place or send batches in baloons then let them fly off.
Write “” on money then exchange it at a local supermarket or cash deposit machines.
Create a Meritocracy film.
Create Meritocracy Apps.
Create an activism booklet.
Rewrite wikipedia articles, create new articles.
Stamp books with stamp.
Feel free to contribute your ideas below.