Hey folks
Just asking this question as I believe my recent attempts to raise awareness of Meritocracy have failed. Many people are overly skeptical, ignorant and negative when presented with the solutions and information. How do you promote the truth to a market which has been soured by negativity and lies? Lots of people seem to be pro-Labour/Green Party and trapped in the usual conspiracy theories while I can only assume that any likes that my posts got were out of click-habit rather than genuine researching. Working under the guise of a couple of different names may not have helped either and I now cannot access my profile unless I provide proof of ID! Something I am not willing to do for a “social” networking site.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can best raise awareness and encourage people to conduct more in-depth research as opposed to believing “the usual”? Any input will be extremely helpful, or the (more productive, surely!) alternative will be to cook up some new ideas for the campaign.
Warmest regards!