There’s so many factors involved that I have no idea if we can win at least 1 of the 650 parliamentary seats in a couple of months time. What’s for sure though is that this is the best time to build up the Party, raise awareness and set the groundwork for the future.
Looking at this: you might think it’s impossible, but swings do happen and underdogs do win.
How can we give it our best shot?
It’s all going to boil down to the people who raise their hand to get involved and the ones who just jump in to move things forward. If you’ve been on the fence about participating or think that you have nothing to contribute, then trust me, there is plenty that you can do!
From writing, to creating flyers, posters, videos, to promoting UKMP on social media, in person, canvassing, calling, researching information, etc … even having 5 people totally committed in their spare time to making this succeed would be a huge step forward, because from there it can grow exponentially if we’re smart and do it right.
So if you’re reading and want to do something to change the politics in the UK then start contributing! Remember - you decide your level of involvement, there’s no closed doors. Practically everything we have is online, ready for you to work on and advance.
While we’re at it, take a look at:
From there you can find out how many votes would have been needed to win in a constituency during 2010. We’re talking about thousands of votes here in 1 place, not millions. We just need a few more thousand than the rest of parties in 1 constituency to reach our goal for this election.
Without forgetting that local elections will be held on the same day:,_2015