Equal Opportunity for Every Child

My wife and I are having our first child and doing so has made me think more about the idea of Equal Opportunity for Every Child more than ever before. To be honest it has led to a major merge in contradictory emotions. I am overwhelmed with joy but also very angry. I feel like the world we are bringing our child into needs to be much better, and that my generation has been getting royally shafted. We are expected to do more for less, with no security and weak future prospects, and to shut up and be happy about it. I can’t help feel powerless and crazy because I seem to be the only one amongst my peers who is having these thoughts. In a way I feel like a madman because I am having so many contradictory thoughts, feelings and emotions while in the meantime everywhere I look people are content and satiated with the status quo – happy to go about their merry way on FB and Twitter and to go a little deeper into debt for education that seems to go nowhere. And in a way who can blame them for wanting mindless outlets to what starts to seem like a mindless existence where the cards are constantly stacked against us. I am all for working hard, making the most of opportunities, pulling yourself up by the bootstraps and all that jazz – but after a certain amount of defeats one starts to feel like saying why bother? It is like trying to beat an impossible video game; eventually you just turn off the console and move on. Even protesting seems like an act of futility. There are so many quasi-causes with no leadership and direction or plan that the power of the protest has been stripped away. And good luck rallying an angry mob away from their iphones and instagram long enough to actually get together over something as important as Equal Opportunity. You would think it would be a no-brainer to radically fight for such things, but these days anything that requires too much thinking and time away from social media or celeb gossip is like trying to pull teeth or herd cats. It can be particularly difficult to get people to rally over complex arguments like equality that are not always simple and black and white. There are many out there that really believe every child has and equal chance to make it big and to live the American dream, that those born into abject poverty, abuse, or neglect just need to work a little harder to get there. I don’t hate those who have been born with advantages and exploited them, I would and have done the same, but people need to start thinking more about the other side of the coin. About the potential geniuses who are never given any chance in life and whose talent is going to waste. These children remind me of a quote from Thomas Gray poem “Full many a gem of purest ray serene The dark unfathom’d caves of ocean bear: Full many a flower is born to blush unseen, And waste its sweetness on the desert air.”

My thoughts and feelings are not unjustified. I have a very high level of training, experience and education with leading edge professors who were not afraid to make us question the status quo and who trained me to be a critical thinker. I am thankful to them for that, but the only problem is that we were all sent out into the world to go forge a better tomorrow, only to have our dreams cut down by reality and a shitty economy while being overburdened by debt. I was always one to have more than one iron in the fire to help prepare for this inevitable disappointment, but it is a major fucking piss off to see so much wasted talent and potential energy/new ideas go to waste. We were all led to believe we could be a generation to make a difference as teachers but the majority can barely get sub work and at best are getting short-term contracts here and there. Of course there is always the option to uproot your family and go to a far away land where teachers are subsidized or get isolation pay, but is that really a great way to raise a family? It’s hard for me to even stay rationale and not want to go into full on rage mode when I think about all of the empty promises we were fed, but it’s an effort in futility and waste of energy. Luckily I have not shifted into apathy like many in my cohort have as they work part time jobs they could have gotten while still in high school. I have taken new roads and forged my own path, but I am still a far cry from having any kind of security in my life – if anyone has ever told you it is easy to be pioneering and try new things here is a newsflash for you, its not! In fact it’s quite shitty by times and exciting by others, just another contradiction in my life as I realize more and more I am a walking contradiction. But I digress; I started this rant about Equal Opportunity and I should finish with my thoughts on the matter.

The fact of the matter is that too many people are being born into tremendous disadvantages. The income gap is getting larger and as some are given every opportunity to succeed, more and more fall through the cracks. After working contracts in the school system and taking an excellent two year B.Ed program, I realized that there are far too many things in the school system that are broken. Yes there are good people out there doing great work, but there are major systemic issues and nothing is as it should be. Everything I was taught about lesson planning, collaboration, professionalism, equality, etc looked great on paper but is hardly more than a mirage or a pipe dream when you get out working in the trenches. Its not that this thought did not cross my mind before taking my post-secondary training but reality bites and I think it is time to bite back. The complacent teachers locked into contracts teaching the same BS from 30 years ago and counting down the days to summer should have their jaded asses fired, the same way they would be in any other profession when they stop doing their job properly. Who do you think gets the worst of that arrangement the teacher or the student? I don’t claim to have all of the answers to how things should be adapted to the 21st century but there are a lot of people out there who have some pretty darned good opinions that are currently going to waste. I would love to be hearing more of them and starting to see them put to action. Lifted from the paper and put into reality. Teaching s not a perfect science but we do need to try new things in a model of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis or we will be forever trying to solve the same problem using the same approach – isn’t that the very definition of insanity? Nothing changes if nothing changes and currently we are running an old broken down model. Unless you are one of the privileged elite, who has access to all the latest bells, whistles and gizmos you are typically shit out of luck and would be assigned to one of the classrooms that I taught where there is 1 teacher for almost 40 students with limited resources, or you get bumped to my “at risk” class because of your “behaviour problems.” Try not having behaviour problems when the odds are so stacked against you and you see others having chances you will never get all around you. Someone needs to step in and clean this mess up, the major question is how do we do it?


Thank you, Dangus, for this thoughtful contribution. You understand where the brick walls are in the current education system.

Have you read this article from our website MeritocracyParty.org ? http://meritocracyparty.org/2013/04/optimised-education-in-a-meritocratic-democracy-equal-opportunity-for-every-child/

I’ve been thoroughly immersing myself in Montessori educational philosophy, methods and practice, and am finding that for a hundred years, in many countries, the Montessori way of preparing the environment and helping children to create their own lives has proven astonishingly successful, and that it embodies very much of the education we will offer when funded by the Millionaire Estate Tax. Custom Education will soar even higher when it implements Montessori over a foundation of the even more fundamental tailorization for personality types.

I was inside Waldorf education this past year, and that approach, too, has much we can weave into Custom Education, to bring about Equal Opportunity for Every Child.

Thank you for your article. This is something we can polish up for MeritocracyParty.org, then?

Yes by all means polish it up and feel free to use any info I post on the site. I have just started reading through some more of the articles on the party website, what a great source of valuable information, I would be honored to play a role in its development.

I don’t know if you had a chance to read about the social enterprise the non-profit I work for is currently looking to start. One of the divisions is child care. I have a modest understanding of montessori and waldorf models and our/my intention is to use some type of blend of the two when we start the child care division of the social enterprise. My philosophy is that we need to do everything we can to optimize the minds of these little geniuses and I am hoping our social enterprise model will be a shining example of inclusion and equal opportunity. I am also very interested in the idea of customization for personality types. Do you know of any other places where I could find some quality information on montessori and waldorf models?

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As soon as I can I’ll make a section here or at Meritopedia.org for information on MBTI, MBTI in education, MBTI in the workplace, Montessori and Waldorf. Or you can. Here is a link to the organization through which I’m pursuing my Montessori full certification. It’s a strategic place to start, because they have a wide range of scopes. One can do an intro course, a certification for a particular level, or a full certification for elementary education, and perhaps there are other options. I’m finding the quality of the instruction to be solid, and the schedule, while rigorous, is flexible.

This article features an excellent introduction to the general public, and was written by one of my online instructors: http://www.montessori.org/sitefiles/Montessori_101_nonprintable.pdf

If you begin a Custom Education Preparation Resource section here, those two ^^ will a very apt first couple of entries.

This book is worth checking out, but may be more watered down than what we’ll need in order to properly underpin the whole design with personality typing: http://www.amazon.com/Great-Minds-Dont-Think-Alike/dp/0935652884

I was advised by a psychologist/MBTI-expert/teaching-expert, who is a long-time and first rate Meritocrat, that first we’re going to need to absorb Psychological Types by Carl Jung, and especially Chapter 10: http://www.amazon.com/Psychological-Types-Collected-Works-Bollingen/dp/0691018138/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1405739928&sr=1-1&keywords=personality+types+jung

Hm, lookie here, Chapter 10 online: http://psychclassics.yorku.ca/Jung/types.htm

Here’s a resource reading list from a trusted Waldorf charter school’s website: http://www.arizonawaldorf.org/resources/waldorf-reading-list

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I do not have access to the meritopedia.org site yet… Sounds interesting, I like seeing how things seem to be evolving with this process. Thanks for sending the links I will have a browse through them now. I doubt I would have time to do an online course but it could be something my organization looks at for training our instructors.

I was sort of confused by one of your sentences. Were you saying you think I should start a Custom Education Preparation Resource? I think that is a good idea. I will put some thought into it and see if any of my older education papers could be of any use.

FYI, I am a ENTJ. Bordering very closely on I. I am extroverted when I need to be but have a natural inclination to be introverted. I was given a thorough assessment when I signed up for the Future Farmer program on PEI… which helped fund my trips to the Holzer and Jacke courses.

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Hi Dangus, you asked for places where you could find info. on Montessori and Waldorf. I was saying I’d love to build up a section for collaboration, and in particular a resource list, but can give only a start at the moment, so using these initial sources, you could help collect this info for a Custom Education Resource Center, since these resources can serve as springboards. It’s kind of how our group works: when we see a need, we ask, but sometimes we find we’re the person who’s going to fill that need. If you have the desire and time, your initiative and capability will see to this particular case of following up on the links I’ve shared. But if you don’t, THANK YOU for asking the question, because now this little list is there for any who are interested in working on Custom Education to get cranking on the same page.

Hm. I’ll post this list to the wiki for sure.

I would love to help build a CERC section. Collaboration is key in education and it needs to be greatly improved to move forward and ensure Equal Opportunity for Every Child. Those are great links, it was some heavy reading on personality types but I was glad to finally have something a little more in depth on the topic since I have always been very interested in psychology. Thanks again. D

When a couple of us worked on an idea before, because of the location, the acronym for the name of the institution was going to be E.V.E.R., and we were going to call it the EVER Center. Somehow this name sticks as entirely appropriate for every Custom Education School. We want to open EVER Centers everywhere. EVER Centers are where we offer Custom Education. These, divided into 16 subschools each, can comprise the prototype.

For me name captures the ideas of potential and endurance. The last two letters stood for Educational Resource. But the first two apply only if we think of something universal (East Valleys is of course too specific). Or maybe the word “ever” stands well on its own merit, and we say Ever Center. Hm. What think you?

Can you elaborate on dividing into 16 sub schools? What about Ensuring Vast Educational Resources?

The 16 subschools are customized for the 16 psychological types.


I looked into one of the proposals I did for a new paradigm school during my B.Ed. I changed the original name (Curve) to EVER. Have a read through and feel free to use it for your studies/proposals (i.e plagarize away). I think I will post under the Canada section, I hope you do not mind me using the EVER name, if so I can change it back.

EVER School
Mission Statement:

The mission of the EVER school is to create a healthy and comfortable environment for students and staff to promote a low stress and engaging learning experience. The program is designed to offer students choices in the direction of their education within the EVER Curriculum. Teachers help students find their passion and give them guidance and critical thinking skills to pursue it. Some courses will still remain necessary (i.e. literacy), but this flexible system offers students more input into their own learning. The daily schedule, school design, and number of students all differ from that of a typical school.

The philosophy and curriculum were created with accountability and autonomy in mind. Teachers have control over their methods and approaches, and are encouraged to think outside the box, but they will be held accountable and will have to show how they have met outcomes in critical areas (i.e. literacy). The information collected from teachers will help with statistical analysis to allow administrators to plan for the future and show areas of weakness and strength to entice collaboration. Teachers and students are held to a high standard of learning and are put on the path to become self directed, life-long learners.

(Note: Literacy has evolved beyond reading and writing. People build literacy skills to be able to communicate and comprehend the world around them so that they can develop new understandings and new knowledge. Problem solving and decision-making skills help learners construct new meaning and adapt to a new educational world. Hopefully with these new skills students will get fulfillment from their learning and be better equipped to critically evaluate their community and become part of the new global culture.)

How is EVER different?

Number of students: The atmosphere at EVER school will be different from a traditional setting in many ways. The biggest adjustment, and the key to making the system operate smoothly, is the number of teachers and students. Numbers will be limited to 150 students per grade. The reason for this is based around research that shows that people have a higher level of accountability and responsibility when they are in a group of no more than 150 people. W.L Gore & Associates is a successful manufacturing company that has repeatedly been given the title as one of the best companies to work for, and a major reason for their success and employee satisfaction is derived from the fact that all of their operations are kept to 150 employees. Once a factory reaches 150 people they build a new one even if it is right beside the original. When the group size is kept to these numbers, teachers and students will start to recognize each other and build relationships in a way that is not possible when you are working with the larger numbers of a traditional high school. At EVER students will not pass through the hallways unrecognized, they will be part of a learning community that challenges and pushes them to succeed. If the initial pilot program for EVER is successful then more schools will be built, but the number of 150 students per grade will not change.

Pass/Fail system: The grading system is based around a pass/fail system where student must achieve an equivalent of %70 or higher to receive a P. Anything below this will receive and F and will have to be resubmitted before being considered again for a P. This grading system helps discourage competitive ranking and encourage students to take ownership of their own learning and to become lifelong critical thinkers and learners. More universities are beginning to recognize the benefits of the pass/fail system and more schools are starting to introduce this system.

Modifications and IEP’s: Students with learning disabilities will be put on Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) that are suited to their learning needs. Adaptations and modifications to curriculum will be permitted if necessary. We will have access to assistive technology such as kerzwiel and dragon, and will have a resident expert to help facilitate the use of these tools. In class students who need some extra help will be able to get slide notes, receive extra one-to-one help, and be given extra time for certain assignments and tests.

Resource: EVER school is set up to allow maximum mobility and resources for students with disabilities. The school design completely accessible and the resource centre and specially trained staff are there to assist in any way. Our goal is to be as inclusive as possible at the EVER school, and one of the many ways we do this is by making students with disabilities feel comfortable and integrated.

Selecting Courses: Much like the university system, students will have the option of choosing a stream that interests them such as, Arts, Science, Business/Law, Trades, or a combination. Some students will also come away with specific job training so that they can enter into the workforce right after high school. For example one such program that already exists where students can do this is the cosmetology course. Students will come out of high school as a certified cosmologist and will be qualified to work at a salon. Other program such as carpentry don’t allow students to work right out of high school, but they will be ahead of the game when entering into college and will be able to start at a higher level.

Technology: Classes and teachers will be equipped with 21st century skills and equipment to help ensure success in an ever growing IT economy. If useful and effective after initial pilot programs, Tablets will be issued at the beginning of the year. At EVER we encourage experimenting with digital technology to help assist teachers and students in the classroom.

Classroom setup: The smaller class and enrolment size allows for some much needed space in the classroom. EVER classes are designed to be comfortable and inviting. They are specially designed to allow for movement and different set-ups in the class. There is a private cubicle section at the back of the class for times when silence and independent work is needed. Then there is the more traditional set- up in the front of the room where there are ergonomic chairs and desks, but there is also added space by the whiteboard for movement activities. Off to the side there is a comfortable section and in all classes there is a water access, fruit and light snacks for students who may need energy. Computer access will also be available in every class with 5 high-end computers per class. This will allow students to work collaboratively manageable group sizes and will give them access to publishing, photo, video, music, web design, and other important software’s.

Discipline: Discipline will be dealt with on an individual basis. In the most severe cases of unacceptable behaviour students will be suspended or expelled. Primarily discipline will be dealt with in class or with administration. A detention/school service format where students who are sent out of class will have to do school service, or have to attend a detention class after school will also be used.

Getting rid of a social hierarchy: Giving students access to the same technology and resources will help create a level playing field for students who do not have these privileges at home. There will be no streaming of students at EVER. Those who are enrolled in a program such as French will have separate classes for that subject, but will take other classes with a mixed group. Streaming can have negative consequences for students who feel as though they are in a lower class, so each class will be made up of a diverse group of students. The decision to use uniforms is still being taken under consideration. We want the EVER school to be an inclusive and inviting space for all students. (After publishing and further research, MBTI streaming may be something that is worth exploring but there should also be times where mixing is encouraged.)

Professional Development: Professional Development days will be scheduled when there is a relevant topic that can help teacher build their skills; instead of having one that is on a set schedule. The problem with a set schedule is that often teachers feel as though they are not getting anything from their PD days. We want to ensure that PD days will be relevant and beneficial to our staff, that is why we there will be a review process of the speakers before implementing the PD day.

Collaboration: One of the benefits of smaller class and staff sizes is that it will allow for collaboration in a way that is not possible in larger schools. Teachers will be responsible for recording their teaching methods and will meet weekly to submit their lesson plans and assignment marks. During this time they will discuss what they feel is working or not working, and talk with other teachers about the possibility of cross-curricular collaboration. For example a history teacher who is going to be teaching a unit on the Renaissance may suggest that the English teacher works on literature from that time period. This way students will be immersed in the topic and be able to draw connections between classes.

Private vs. Public: Having a sustainable school model that is profitable is not a realistic option unless you charge a substantial premium for enrolment. Putting money into the youth of tomorrow is an investment, not a way to make money. With high education inflation today, most people are not interested in paying high tuition fees. The private system can also create a class distinction, which is not the aim of the EVER school philosophy. That is why we propose the EVER school is launched as a pilot program by the department of education. Applicants to the school will initially be accepted on a first come first serve basis, for those looking for an alternate school experience. If the program is as successful as anticipated it will expand on the property and shift to a House system. The second House, House B, will be set up exactly the same as House A. The numbers of students, schedule, and staff collaboration times will be kept the same so that the system runs effectively. As the numbers of Houses start to grow on the campus to keep up with the higher demand of students, executives from the house will meet monthly to ensure that curricular outcomes are being met and to discuss any problems or new ideas.

Expectations for teachers: Teachers who are hired on at EVER school are expected to be leaders in their field. We hire innovative thinkers who are not afraid to try new things in the classroom. All teachers at EVER are given room in the curriculum to make learning possible for all students, but at the same time they are expected to record their process. This requires a lot of hard work, passion, and dedication but those are the kind of teachers we want working at EVER. In short, there will be no “chalk and talk” teachers who sit at the pulpit and spew out information. Our teachers will be engaging and creative and will always be looking for ways to improve their craft. There is nothing worse than a teacher who gets tired of their work makes every class stale and boring. Our teacher will always be trying new approaches and will have a supportive and collaborative staff to help them along the way.

8 Grade 10
8 Grade 11
8 Grade 12
1 Principal & 1 VP
1 Maintenance Staff
2 Janitorial staff
6 Resource teachers
1 Librarian
1 Youth Worker
2 Guidance Counselor’s/Mental Health Professionals
1 Fitness director/ nutritionist/ athletic director

8:00- 8:45: Breakfast program. Students & teachers convene in the cafeteria to have a nutritious breakfast provided by the school. It is meant to be a relaxing social setting where people are encouraged to chat, read the newspaper and get started. Much like the staff room in a typical school, but with students, as this is an opportunity to get to know them outside of the class.
Bagels, Apples/Bananas, Cereal, Oatmeal, muffins, Coffee/Tea, Milk, Water, Juice on Fridays,

8:45-9 20: Morning stretch for entire school. Located in the cafeteria students and staff will participate in a light stretching exercise.

9:20-10:45: Class 1

10:45-11:00: Personal Reading, writing, drawing, individual music, knitting, brainteasers, solitaire, gaming, or other quiet personal hobbies. This is meant to be a relaxing time for students to work on something they enjoy doing alone. It is not meant to be a time for socializing or being idle and it will be supervised and facilitated accordingly.

11:00-12:00: Lunch. Students are allowed to go off school property for lunch or remain in the cafeteria. Lunch will be purchased and not provided. However, if there is a cooking class offered before hand they will serve a discount dish once during the week.

12:00-1:00: Class 2 elective

1:05-2:05: Class 3

2:10-3:10: Class 4

After School Programs:
-Detention, sports, art, music, video editing, community projects, gardening, cooking class, yoga.

EVER school is not intended to be “better” then its existing public school counterparts, but it is designed to approach to schooling in a radically different way. More manageable school sizes, different classroom setups and scheduling all play a part in the new approach to student-centered learning. Our hope is that students will enjoy going to school and will find a passion for learning about a subject they are interested in.

“A better schooling experience for the people who matter most to you.”
“Any system that is resistant to change will inevitably fail. If our schools do not adapt to today’s learner then we are stuck teaching using yesterday’s methods.”

“Break away from the docile routine of school, get active, get creative, and start your lifelong journey of learning with EVER.”

life-long learning, student centered, holistic, natural, inviting, calming, Technological, experiential, real world learning, community involved, collaborative, inclusive, experimental, interactive, cutting edge, connected, 21st century, manageability, accountability

Just realized this is posted in the right place, lol. I will just leave it here…