This is an ad I posted on a local buy/sell website, think its too much? I don’t. I’m not looking for any-facebook-body, I’m looking for the best.
Tell me what you think, this site is dead and in need of inputs… I am sure I will edit it as time goes on, so what is your input?
Here is what I wrote:
Title - Meetings of Reason for Humanity
"Wanted: the most intelligent people in Kansas!
You know who you are, and you are sick to your stomach at what this society is given the advancements we have at our fingertips.
If you find personal similarity or interest in the following list and want to know more, please contact us so we may unite as a catalyzing force of intellectual reason against the inheritance-baby inbreed neanderthal’s that run our communities, country, and planet.
1- Understand fully and deeply what these movements are and each of their unique advantages in moving humanity forward: The Venus Project, The Zeitgeist Movement, and most importantly today The Meritocracy Party. All information is available via a quick internet search, but it will take newcomers years to digest it all and come out with an assessment based in logic and reason.
2- Understand fully and unequivocally why Anarchism, Libertarianism, Communism, Free Market Capitalism, Socialism, and Monarchies are all individually bad as systems of advancement.
3- Understand fully and logically that Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Catholics all worship the same demented imposter god of the bible; which is proven a mass of incoherent lies, and a divisive control mechanism for the population. And, that eastern Karmic traditions are nearly just as bad as the previously mentioned even though far less divided.
4- Understand fully and trust your ability to stand for truth with the honor and fortitude of an ancient Templar no matter the heat under or over your armor.
5- Understand fully and rationally that “numbers are all, and all are numbers.” The questions of existence are found in mathematics, not simply science’. It is time the people heard this for the sake of avoiding the idiocracy on our doorstep, and only in recent years has this information been made public. Only math is concrete, only math guarantees, period.
6- Understand fully and attentively that we live in an age of transition that can only go one of two ways: Out of control, or new.
Do not reply if you do not want to join those of us ready to lay out a plan. Do not reply about your crumbling religions. Do not reply if you are unbalanced whether smart or not. Do not reply if you are dependent on illegal man-made drugs. Do not reply if you are not in control of yourself, your emotions, your dog, or your ego.
Please send this message along to those who may have interest, we need to congregate. Easily contact us at [email protected]. Or, join any of the Movements listed above in number 1.
If we all tried to know truth, we would all end up in the same place. So wake the hell up and go learn something so you can join the ranks of those with legitimate merit to their lives."