Finding the 'right' people in my area

This is an ad I posted on a local buy/sell website, think its too much? I don’t. I’m not looking for any-facebook-body, I’m looking for the best.

Tell me what you think, this site is dead and in need of inputs… I am sure I will edit it as time goes on, so what is your input?

Here is what I wrote:

Title - Meetings of Reason for Humanity

"Wanted: the most intelligent people in Kansas!

You know who you are, and you are sick to your stomach at what this society is given the advancements we have at our fingertips.

If you find personal similarity or interest in the following list and want to know more, please contact us so we may unite as a catalyzing force of intellectual reason against the inheritance-baby inbreed neanderthal’s that run our communities, country, and planet.

1- Understand fully and deeply what these movements are and each of their unique advantages in moving humanity forward: The Venus Project, The Zeitgeist Movement, and most importantly today The Meritocracy Party. All information is available via a quick internet search, but it will take newcomers years to digest it all and come out with an assessment based in logic and reason.

2- Understand fully and unequivocally why Anarchism, Libertarianism, Communism, Free Market Capitalism, Socialism, and Monarchies are all individually bad as systems of advancement.

3- Understand fully and logically that Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Catholics all worship the same demented imposter god of the bible; which is proven a mass of incoherent lies, and a divisive control mechanism for the population. And, that eastern Karmic traditions are nearly just as bad as the previously mentioned even though far less divided.

4- Understand fully and trust your ability to stand for truth with the honor and fortitude of an ancient Templar no matter the heat under or over your armor.

5- Understand fully and rationally that “numbers are all, and all are numbers.” The questions of existence are found in mathematics, not simply science’. It is time the people heard this for the sake of avoiding the idiocracy on our doorstep, and only in recent years has this information been made public. Only math is concrete, only math guarantees, period.

6- Understand fully and attentively that we live in an age of transition that can only go one of two ways: Out of control, or new.

Do not reply if you do not want to join those of us ready to lay out a plan. Do not reply about your crumbling religions. Do not reply if you are unbalanced whether smart or not. Do not reply if you are dependent on illegal man-made drugs. Do not reply if you are not in control of yourself, your emotions, your dog, or your ego.

Please send this message along to those who may have interest, we need to congregate. Easily contact us at [email protected]. Or, join any of the Movements listed above in number 1.

If we all tried to know truth, we would all end up in the same place. So wake the hell up and go learn something so you can join the ranks of those with legitimate merit to their lives."

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All the points are good, but perhaps too many & a tad too aggressively stated. Is a buy & sell site also a good place to start?

Perhaps think of keeping it simpler, less in-your-face & place it somewhere better suited to finding the right people.

Just my opinion, hope it is taken as constructive as it’s meant to be.

It just needs refinement.

Hi SeanMac. Well the truth is that I have no where else to put a message… I am doing what I can with what I have I guess. Any suggestions on that front? Also keep in mind that the site is much more akin to CraigsList and was posted under the heading of “public announcements.”

The ad was rejected anyway, I am trying to get it put back up now…

Of course I can take constructive criticism, but I don’t care much for opinions. Is there an example of “simpler, less in your face” that has ever worked? Maybe I can use it as a template?

The right people is the whole goal, I’m not recruiting for an instructional class on ontological mathematics and the social philosophies that come from it; I am wanting to find people of like mind. Then later maybe we do some presentations for newcomers or something.

Have you ever read the Armageddon Conspiracy? Because I cannot believe they would agree I am being to aggressive. I’m not a pacifist after all, nor have I ever been…

Here is a tamed down version. They did allow me to put it back up stating it had to have a ‘meeting date’ in order to fit into their requirements…

Thanks SeanMac,

"Wanted: the most intelligent people in Kansas!

You know who you are, and you are sick to your stomach at what this society is given the advancements we have at our fingertips.

If you find personal similarity or interest in the following list and want to know more, please contact us so we may unite as a catalyzing force of intellectual reason against the inheritance-babies and neanderthal’s that run our communities, country, and planet.

1- Understand fully and deeply what these movements are and each of their unique advantages in moving humanity forward: The Venus Project, The Zeitgeist Movement, and most importantly today The Meritocracy Party which serves emmidiate goals. All information is available via a quick internet search, but it will take newcomers years to digest it all and come out with an assessment based in logic and reason.

2- Understand fully and unequivocally why Anarchism, Libertarianism, Communism, Free Market Capitalism, Socialism, and Monarchies are all individually bad as systems of advancement.

3- Understand fully and logically that Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Catholics all worship the same god of the bible; which is proven a mass of incoherent lies, and a divisive control mechanism for the population. And yes, the eastern Karmic traditions are nearly just as bad.

4- Understand fully and trust your ability to stand for truth with the honor and fortitude of an ancient Templar no matter the heat under or over your armor.

5- Understand fully and rationally that the questions of existence are answered mathematically. Only math is concrete, only math guarantees, period.

6- Understand fully and attentively that we live in an age of transition that can only go one of two ways: Out of control, or new.

Do not reply if you do not want to join those of us ready to lay out a plan. Do not reply about your crumbling religions. Do not reply if you are unbalanced whether smart or not. Do not reply if you are dependent on illegal or man-made drugs. Do not reply if you are not in control of yourself, your emotions, your dog, or your ego.

Please send this message along to those who may have interest, we need to congregate now. Easily contact us at [email protected]. Or, join any of the Movements listed above in number 1.

If we all tried to know truth, we would all end up in the same place. So wake the hell up and go learn something so you can join the ranks of those with legitimate merit to their lives.

We meet every Sunday. Please contact for times and locations."

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Hi Catalyst - yes, I’ve read the AC pages.You may like to read the post about the distinction between the Meritocracy Party & AC that’s on these boards, just for an updated view.

Re: ‘less in-your-face’ eg the wording of the Scottish Referendum question was changed from

Q1. Do you think Scotland should be an independent country? YES/NO

To -

Q2. Should Scotland be an independent country? YES/NO

Q1. was deemed to be a ‘loaded question’ in favour of YES.

So, simply by moving the key word to a different part of the sentence and taking a few out, you have a whole new meaning.

If that applies with basically one word, it applies even more to the use of many. The old adage ‘It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it’ springs to mind.

Re: where to place your ad - maybe some political debating boards / groups / start a Twitter feed / build a website/blog ? Something along those lines might help…

Hope that’s useful :wink:

Wow Sean, I feel pretty foolish now actually… But I don’t know how I missed this either. I can say that in the last AC posting they did mention not being able to separate the two so that really should have been a clue. My apologies.

And yes, how you say it matters to who are trying to capture the attention of. Thus I can see easily why TMI desires separation. And I will certainly respect that separation given I have enough knowledge to judge most as unable to ‘accept.’

This really reminds me of the separation between The Venus Project and TZM. Which, is still very difficult for many to see as the different entities they are.

I will take lesson from that episode and be sure to separate the two.

The problem with most of the ideas offered is that I have no one I could say, 'hey come check this out" to. Please no pity, its my personality (INFJ sometimes INTJ) and I am fine with that. Just seriously closed minds here where I live and I will go now where else until my children are raised since they do not live with me. Thus, I am putting an effort into finding some comradery with the ad.

Ok, well, I will have to decide what to do with the ad. Maybe just remove your name and continue looking for the like minds without the name association.

Back to debating boards, any recommendations would be great, but I must ask what for? I mean, I have met the most retarded people online in comment areas, I learned my lesson not to waste any time with these things. Anyone can say anything and comments are rarely met back with any rational verbiage or even in line with the last comment…

I do have a blog for my farm, which, is a great place for Meritocracy now that I think of it; due to its more relaxed nature regarding permaculture and modern homesteading.

I will explore that option for the few viewers I have, maybe some videos describing the information in the “wiki.” Where is that by the way?

I will definitely be participating here when I can. I love a good conversation with bright minds!

Useful indeed!

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No problem Catalyst & no need to feel foolish. Most who’ve read the AC pages [myself included] start out fairly angry at what’s been revealed there, but over time the anger has to get channeled into a more positive message. Not a dilution of the anger, but a new way of expressing it that won’t alienate the blinkered masses at the first reading.

Yes, i think the permaculture & homesteading communities will be more fruitful recruiting grounds. There’s also the seasteaders, they seek massive change also.

Maybe if you look at from the angle that you’re starting ‘Meritocracy Kansas’ either movement and/or leading to future political party i.e. start it up & see who joins up, that could another way to go…

The main international statement that we’re all agreed on now as the prime mover is -

‘Equal Opportunity For Every Child.’

As an aside - Kansas - Kerry Livgren - outstanding songwriter & musician, apart from the born again stuff. I read that he has a farm somewhere there too.

Will be around if you want to discuss anything else :wink:

Hi Catalyst. I recommend reading and deeply understanding also this before being very fanatical about the religious side of things like mathematics, karmists, abrahamists etc.

Only “looser” parties bark the opposing forces. The better ones identify social/political problems and suggest good solutions, better ways for society. Inheritance tax and change in the voting system are on the agenda of Meritocratic Party as well as social capitalism and education plus guaranteed necessities of life. Religion is not. Inheritance tax is (almost?) indirectly mentioned so not very good ovearall score about the points of MP.

Some people might even go a s far as to declare that this ad is made by someone who clearly has lost his good intelligence if there ever was any (like any fanatical preacher). This is not to disencourage or offend you, this is just an opinion.

“Finding” the right people is impossible, they would be here already. “Making” people understand is more like politics. Anger and arrogance is not a good approach to that in my opinion.

Alright Klockers, I’ll play for a few minutes here. Starting from your top and working down in semi-order-ish, and completely ignoring what you deleted.

First of all when I discovered AC a year ago it was incredibly uplifting to know that others thought the way I do, and used the +/- aspect of mathematics to explain a philosophy. I did the same, though humbly not near the detail I found in these writings. I call my personal philosophy The Dyadic Principle of Universality. Now, if you have not figured out yet that math does not lie, then keep reading Andy Smith and others who cannot feel and see numbers and balance, then have a good one:0 Because those who believe that anyone who wants to can state that 1+1=3 and be protected for it, are Anarchists at best, and my enemies; at least in any battle between the two. I am partners in business with a Christian, and my favorite podcast is by an Anarchist… I will leave the “changing” people to one side of my self in certain relations, and being pissed-off ready-to-make-change to its designated locale. Both exist, both apply.

Being fanatical against Abrahamism is in my blood metaphorically. Actually I guess it is in my mo-NADS. Since I was 10 I was against my forced Catholicism. Through witchcraft, through Atheism, and some Eastern stuff until about '07 when the Dyadic Principle shined upon me. So, I think I will continue thanks.

I know that wording can mean a lot, as Sean and I discussed already…

I also know that ‘better ways’ is the only thing to bother with and that is precisely why doing things the hippie way will get us where pacifism gets us; thus meritocracy will take forever to reach us and by then the Idiocracy will have went further than necessary. ‘Better ways’ is all its about, it is most of what my entire life revolves around… I would like to speed up humanities sense of well being however, so though “I am the change I wish to see” - personally paraphrased Ghandi- I am also “swinging on the spiral” - MJK. Both exist after all… Thus, I am making change in my own life (finding other worthy folk, living the right way, debasing those who deserve a good tongue lashing etc.) and allowing what I cannot foresee to be embraced when it comes steaming along.

Sean and I also discussed that MP should not be associated with the AC pages. You can read for yourself how I decided to shift any mention of MP to the other side of my personality above. In fact, I plan a video soon which I think you may like.

I like MP, obviously it fits into a transition phase needed to remove a great deal of the system we have, but my main focus cannot be here, as I am a get it done kind of guy so sitting in a classroom of debating politicians is not a good use of my energy. So no fear, my separation of attitudes “will be respected given I have enough knowledge to judge most as unable to accept.” Paraphrased from my previous discussion with SeanMac.

I would suggest most people fit this bill in fact. And that is why the idiocracy is on our doorstep… Paris Hilton truly believes herself to be smart… Those folk can run along and hide, we have business to attend to and can’t be interfered with by irrationals who knight themselves as credible.


I don’t care about your opinions, sorry, not to offend you. Opinions are pulled from asses though, like assumptions.

Okay, have a good evening!


I like the idea of Meritocracy Kansas. I was in the sign industry for 14 years and still have my design software. Maybe a flyer is in order.

I’m going to mull this all over and see what my mind comes up with. In the mean time I have an idea for a video that I think will have the right qualities for this calmer side of the new-system issue.

And I love some of that good 'ol Kansas rock! Too bad to hear he went Christian… Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins did too… Jeez…

Thanks again.

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Oh and Klockars, this is what Agent “Smith” will never likely understand concerning unconscious intelligent design as even I could see at my limited intelligence level: “existence is a mathematical puzzle that solves itself.” Just think CHEMISTRY and all those molecular bonds at the smallest of levels beyond quarks and leptons.

As above, so below…

“We can’t be interfered with by irrationals who knight themselves as credible.” Except by Catalyst, especially if there is a video coming out :smile:

Gentlemen please! We’re all on the same side. Catalyst & myself worked out a positive direction/plan from my 1st reply & his 1st post is now history. So further comments should be in way of positive encouragement of the new way forward for Kansas. Much more is at stake than what we write or respond to on these boards. I will help Catalyst in any way i can, with whatever help he needs that i could bring to ‘team international.’ I hope most, if not everyone will share that view around here.

Let’s stick to positive CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, leave negativity to the OWO.

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All right, my apologies.

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