This article is advocating for a Montessori style education in the business world, as the title suggests, to transform business. Just as the Meritocracy Party wants to implement that approach along with others. I am personally not familiar, in great depth, with those approaches; which reference can be found on the article in titled Optimized Education in a Meritocratic Democracy. Returning to the article in question, the author suggests using the Montessori approach to create higher innovation at a faster rate. Which is fine of course, under a Meritocratic system that’s economy operates under Social Capitalism, but under the status quo which emphasizes a maximization of profits it would further entrench the elite class; as the shift of power mitigates from innovative people at a faster pace to suit the increasing demands for perfection of products/services that it offers consumers. I suppose the message I’m attempting to convey is that this piece is pushing for an approach that we want to use for releasing all of mankind’s potential for only a select few, namely the entrepreneurial class; thus perpetuating the status quo. It might sound paranoid but that’s what I got from reading this article; the rhetoric used is almost the inverse of what the Meritocracy Party proposes. Can anyone who is better acquainted with the Montessori educational approach verify if my speculation is valid? And if it is, how can we reclaim the approach to be inclusive of all for the end of creating a Meritocratic State with custom education and a fully actualized society.