Getting Started

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to transform the world into a place that delivers Equal Opportunity for Every Child to thrive and develop to the greatest extent of their individual talent and ambition.

Our vision is a world where everyone enjoys equal opportunity to thrive.

Aims & Goals

Our aim is to get elected.

We want meritocratic candidates with proven experience in their fields of expertise to fill top-level government positions. To do that, we need to create Meritocracy Parties.

The current #1 goal is to create a Meritocracy Party in as many countries around the world as possible.

Each Party must then work on getting themselves elected to local and national elections, by building up their foundations, recruiting more members and opening themselves up to receiving support from anyone who wants to help the Party reach its aim of getting meritocratic candidates elected.

Your participation is EVERYTHING. The task ahead is HUGE, getting elected when competing against political parties who have been around for decades, with deep roots in the establishment and massive resources behind them is no easy task.

That doesn’t mean it’s impossible. In fact, it’s perfectly doable if we:

  1. Get as many people involved as possible
  2. Learn to work together
  3. Create a flexible structure to support activism

We need leaders, and this is your chance to shine. You’re welcome to take any initiative you think will further Meritocratic Democracy, and if you’re not sure whether what you want to do is a good idea, see if you can find at least two other people who’ll work with you on whatever it is you want to make happen!

We call this the three-activist rule: if 3 people agree on doing something, they have the green light to do it.

Let’s get cracking.


Very very dodgy.
The party is potentially liable for anything done in its name, and this rule could mean that anything could be officially done in the party name.
You should also be aware that in most members organisations, members are jointly and severally liable for the organisation’s liabilities.

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One thing is the party and being a member of the party with the corresponding responsibilities and liabilities that implies, and the other thing is being an activist (who doesn’t have to be a registered party member). The idea behind this three-activist rule, which was created by the Swedish Pirate Party, is to encourage people to take action as a lot of the time we can doubt whether something is a good idea or not. But checking with two others can help us carry it forth and also provides a filter from really bad ideas.

In the end, sure, there can be dodgy things done and “bad ideas” that 3 people come up with but that can happen in any case without this rule.


The difference is that with this rule, they can officially do it on behalf of party which makes the party responsible for the consequences.
I appreciate where you are coming from, but you need to think this one through a bit more.

There are no official meritocracy parties yet. This “rule” is to self-empower activists. I already highlighted the difference… it’ll be up to each party whether they want to make this an official rule for their members.


Hi my name is Manuel Moreno Im from El Paso TX I want to become involved with Meritocracy and make this a reality How can I start?!

Hi Manuel and welcome to Meritocracy Now!

Are you the only person in El Paso that you know of who wants to implement meritocracy? The first thing would be to connect with others, online and offline. I suggest you introduce yourself over here to get started: Introduce yourself :).

Right now yes I am the only one I know of but I have been advocating it on my Facebook and talking to people about it

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What about authoritarian regimes which are essentially single-party governments? Russia, for example, will not change its course unless a revolution happens. To have the power to change anything there one needs powerful cronies and money, actually be a bastard we are opposed to.

I’m from Texas too! If you have a facebook, my name is Tristan Rumsey. Friend me, and we can message on ways to start the movement in our own state.

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Meritocracy requires the integration of international human resources.
Such a system must be introduced through a referendum of the citizens.
So instead of fraudulent political choices people should be offered a system of meritocracy.
To implement such a system (proven in practice - attached) it takes about 2 years and thereafter may be considered the objective of:
, Each Party must then work on getting themselves elected to local and national elections, by building up their foundations, recruiting more members and opening themselves up to receiving support from anyone who wants to help the party reach its aim of getting candidates elected meritocratic ’ '.

Thank you for your understanding and best regards.

I am also from el paso and suggest we stay in contact @ koolaid guy.JB [at] gmail [dot] com

I just wondered how a meritocratic government could also be democratic. I would like to know what sort of system you would implement. This is what I believe, but you may have differing opinions: [quote=“Cynic, post:6, topic:913”]
I believe that there should be a Traditionalist, oligarchical, sector-based Meritocratic system. In less confusing vernacular, I believe the system should be ruled over by a oligarchical committee that is selected based on certain objective testing. Furthermore, government should be structured into three “sectors”: “Unskilled Labor Party”, “Skilled Labor Party”, and “Highly Skilled Labor Party”. Each party will have representatives from their designated demographic of citizens, but also a representative from the ruling committee. The education system will also be divided in the same manner, except all sectors will be combined through junior high, where testing will determine which party the student belongs in. While this is still a rough draft, I believe this is the proper foundation for a meritocratic government.


Hi! I’m Amusat Lateef Oluwasegun from Lagos State, Nigeria. I’ve read a lot about Meritocracy starting from The Meritocracy Party by Michael Faust and I’m still on Case For Meritocracy by the same author. I would be so elated to have a Meritocracy government all over the world and I’m ready to participate