Hello there , I would like to invite you to join in on the movement. It is time we take some action. We need to spread the word. We can’t just think of all these wonderful ideas without any action. If you have any hope or care to help. Please post about Meritocracy right now. Lets make it a trending thing were people talk about it. Do it now , the actions we make today , shall change tomorrow. If you want change this is the only way we can get peoples attention. You need to share , to pass on the word. Let these people know what this party is about. Go on twitter , Facebook , any social media that you use. Keep posting for at least a week. I promise you we’ll get their attention. We need to keep posting , to keep pushing forward. Us think of these wonderful plans , ideas with-out any help from others. We can’t achieve them. So I ask you to join me today , to help change this place.
It is time!
Apathy, sucks huh. I thought I might speak up here and state that the apathy comes from the reality that the implementation of full on Meritocracy will not be an overnight thing, as much as it needs to be. For the kind of push you are speaking of, which I speak of loudly, it requires serious numbers of population and a topic that can draw that large of a crowd.
I seriously appreciate your enthusiasm, so knowing that you are serious I ask that you and others here might look at an existing #MassDemand #TopicOfFocus that will start the level playing field we all wish to see implemented. A Universal Basic Income is the choice, we encourage you to visit MOR4Humanity Fake Book, there you will find exact ways to bring about the forward momentum we all desire here.
Don’t stop your work here at MN please, just incorporate our hash tags, message, topic of focus, and point people to the #MOR4H hub page so that the mass demand necessary can actually be achieved via a #MultiMovementProject. It must be the same message, a direct message, and come from all walks of life.
We are also aggregating minds in the back ground to create the actual information of implementation. Law, politics, math, and economy are all desirable skills. Many basic numbers are already posted on the page. We are brand new, based on the tipping point studies, and will concentrate the numbers we need in an exponential fashion over the next few years.