Nabarroko Euskal Hiriaren Lehen Politeiaren alde.
For the First Politeia of the Vasconic City of Navarre.
Konstituzionalismo Meritukratikoa / Meritocratic Constitutionalism
What do you mean by getting rid of “global capitalism”, i.e. what would you replace it with? And how would you go about it?
Hello, @Roberto. Right now we are working on different levels. Given the urgent situation we are living at the moment, in which the imperial King of one of the two imperial States that opress our nation has abdicated, we decided to split our message in order to neutralize the Spanish republican colonialism. As I wrote you, we do not support Republicanism, we support Politeianism. If Kingdom is Monarchy, if Republic is Partitocracy, Politeia is Meritocracy. But, had we claimed a Politeia at the State Gathering we carried out last week, no one would have understood us, so we decided to tactically support the Navarrese Republic. The pamphlet I have uploaded is the one we distributed in the gathering. It is a somewhat “light” version of our views. In this pamphlet, when we write about getting rid of global capitalism, we are talking about getting rid of Free Market Capitalism and the global plutocratic elite. In this aspect, we support the official meritocratic view of building a Meritocratic Social Capitalist system in every meritocratic Becoming – i.e. in every dialectical, dynamic and praxistic State. However, we do have some doubts on the official position of starting Meritocratic Parties in every country and getting elected within the different local Capitalist Democracies. It could be an approach to gain visibility, but we think it could easily turn out to be a dead-end. If you participate and give legitimacy to the democratic partitocratic system, you become a democrat yourself. For the moment, we are trying the outside-in approach and focusing our work mainly in the colonial university of the Autonomous Basque Community. As the Pied Piper of Hamelin taught us, only the children can be saved…
Konstituzionalismo meritukratikoaren lehen ekitaldia maila estatalean (unibertsitatetik kanpo)
First event of the meritocratic constitutionalism in state-wide level (outside university)
lehen testua / first text / APOLOGIA / APOLOGY / Platon / Platon:
And I shall repeat the same words to every one whom I meet, young and old, citizen and alien, but especially to the citizens, inasmuch as they are my brethren. For know that this is the command of God; and I believe that no greater good has ever happened in the state than my service to the God. For I do nothing but go about persuading you all, old and young alike, not to take thought for your persons or your properties, but first and chiefly to care about the greatest improvement of the soul. I tell you that virtue is not given by money, but that from virtue comes money and every other good of man, public as well as private.
bigarren testua / second text / DAO DE JING’en 33. esaldia / 33rd chapter of the DAO DE JING / Lao Zi
Besteak ezagutzen dituena adimentsua da;
bere burua ezagutzen duena, argitua.
Besteak menperatzen dituena indartsua da;
bere burua menderatzen duena are indartsuago.
Kemenez ekiten dionak borondatea du;
daukanarekin konformatzen dena aberatsa da.
Etxea aurkitu duen lekuan bertan mantentzen denak
luzaroan iraungo du;
bizia galdu gabe hiltzen dena, hori da benetan adimentsu.
Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced. / John Keats.
musika / music:
Murderers Are Getting Prettier Every Day / Marilyn Manson
In our everyday life there are difficulties that can not be overcome. This is the essence of our evolution. Those minds first overcoming those difficulties are the global guides. We do not support global capitalism because it is destroying the idea of the human being. But, what is the idea of the human being? It is the becoming of life who is aware of mathematics. Hence, the first Meritocratic Nation will be the one who attains national gnosis on mathematics.
I think the best way we have to improve the politeian issue is by creation. Creation is the highest form of rebellion. And, as Oscar Wild put it, art is quite useless. I am thinking about meritocracy, and I think meritocracy must be in service of the soul, spirit and mathematics, so the best way to become is becoming the eternal creative mouvement. All meritocrats must be creatives, but that nowadays it is something impossible. How can we implement the Becoming, the Meritocracy and the Politeia? How did French revolutionaries to take the power? By becoming monarchical or by becoming republican? We state the same behaviour: we must be in hell as in heaven. We must be meritocrats so that Meritocracy will be attained. We must be becomers so that Becoming will be attained. We must be politeians so that Politeia will be attained. Plato failed two thousand an five hundred years ago, it is time for true, it is time for Pythagoras, it is time for Politeia.
My contradiction: my intuition tells me I do not have done enaugh mathematics to be prepared for the events to come. For me Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is the true guide of humanity, and his master creation Die Zauberflöte. I feel wee listening a godder God. That my opinion.
Response of the Meritocratic Constitutionalist movement to the Spanish intellectual cheerleaders’ imperialist manifesto:
Manifesto of the Free and the Equal >>>
We are going to give a conference about Meritocratic Constitutionalism on 09 15 2014 in the Main Provincial Library of Donostia, Navarre. It will be the first public conference about meritocracy in Navarre. This the poster:
NABARROA ETA ASKATASUNA: Euskal Estatu Meritukratikoa Eraikitzen. /// Hitzaldiaren videoa:
NAVARRE AND FREEDOM: Building the Meritocratic Vasconic State. /// Video of the lecture: