Let's reach 100 users!

We’re currently at 62 forum members, which means we only need 38 more to reach 100! Help us reach this number by inviting at least 2 friends who you think are interested in changing the world for the better.

It’s really easy! Just follow these steps:

  1. Click on your picture on the top-right hand corner.
  2. Select “Profile”.
  3. Click on “Invites”.
  4. Click on “Send an Invite”
  5. Type in your friend’s email address.
  6. Click on “Email Invite”.
  7. Rinse and repeat and you’re all done!

Why do we need to grow the number of members?

The more people who join, the more chances we’ll have of succeeding in our goals as there’s a far greater pool of talent and people willing to help out. Even if it’s only a % of registered users, growing to huge numbers of activists is what we need to win politically.

I’ve had 5 people accept invites so far! What about you?

Edit: You need to be a Trust Level 2 user to use the invite button. Go with the traditional way of sharing the site link until you reach it :).


Slooowly going up, at 66 now, 34 more to reach 100!

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68 users, 32 more to reach 100! Keep inviting :).

Does the “Invite” button still exist? I cannot find it…

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Good comment! I’ve just checked and it looks like you need to be Trust Level 2 - Regular User to have access to the invite button. There’s no obvious way of changing this requirement at the moment (I’m still familiarising myself with the software too). Makes sense though from a spam-prevention point of view.

You can still invite people the traditional way however! Especially considering it’s easy to login with Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo…

If you’re active, posting around, reading and online for a bit, it’ll take 2 weeks (minimum) to become a level 2 user.

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+1, 69 users!

30 more to go, currently at 70.

We’re at 101! Slowly, but surely :).