Something I wrote a couple years ago

It’s just a basic campaign address, if you guys would like to read it, and make changes go ahead. I wrote a much more in depth paper about a new society, from governance, to food production, to military, to justice etc… (basically a futuristic mass effect council, socialist communist style) about 6 months after but it got lost somewhere and I haven’t been able to recover it. Anyway enjoy I guess… It’s really too basic…

Hello my name is Patrick McKart I would like to run for political office. My platform is as follows:
• Mandatory abortion until age 25, combined with responsible sex for STD prevention. This would IMO provide a perfect balance of all sides of this issue, and for the common good. I’m attempting to run for office, Vote for me.
• I support socialized medicine…it works great in Canada. It’ll work here as well.
• We need our guns so we can rebel in times of tyranny…Try and take them away.
• We should restructure our education system to a federal standard, rather than a state standard. I propose using traditional methods for elementary school learning, and to replace middle school, and high school, we should institute a new military based learning structure, with individual job paths, that #train students of both genders, in their job path, as well as in a variety of methods, including real world #training, to teach them basic survival, and cooking skills, etc.
• Marijuana should be legalized on a federal level, and taxed.
• We should end all wars for profit NOW. We should only attack nations from a defensive standpoint.
• We should strengthen our borders to prevent illegal immigration. Illegal immigration destroys our economy.
• We should invest heavily in the private technology, and space industries, as well as NASA.
• We need to rebuild America’s infrastructure, to do this we should reinstate the CCC or Civilian Conservation Corps, as an economic safety net, for the unemployed, and homeless.
• I’m sure I could find a good solution for any other issue.
I believe if we do these things, we can truly revive this nation, and surpass our highest levels of economic prosperity and social abundance. Hopefully we can inspire the world to do the same. I know this plan will work. So where are the loans? Where are the investors? Let’s make it happen.
Vote Patrick McKart for the Democratic Party 2016! Or we could impeach them all NOW. I also understand that it would be in my best interests to start at the local or state level, so really whoever wants to pick me up. I am unfamiliar with the process, I need a good mentor.
I have no money… But I could use an editor, and a mentor. This is obviously a rough draft.

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Mandatory Abortion might not go down well with the sheeple. I suggest education on evolution and natural selection from a young age at school that makes women cautious about who they decide to have retarded kids with. I guess we could start living with animals again in the cities, and once in a while a lion would eat one the the fat ones, thereby thinning out the flock haha… No but seriously yes the task ahead of us is complicated, and nature may unfortunately beat us to the punch, like a honey bee shortage could effect our food production thereby people dying from hunger. We don’t know the future, but all we can do is educate and try to push people achieve their true potentials.

I agree with a lot of you stated May I suggest we can also offer dual citizenship to other Meritocratic nations to establish more unity amongst Meritocrats on an international level.

Yea, I wrote this up a few years ago and decided to post it. I am regretting it now. I have certainly changed my view points since.

The time of Politicians has ended. Let’s say that you have some dirty little secret, eg. that you have a wife and kids but yet you like to secretly get with homosexuals. If someone got photos of your dirty little secret they could bribe you without pay till the end of your life else you break down your ego and reveal your secret to the public. A more extreme case is pedophilia or perhaps a murder you once did and they have the evidence to put you away as soon as you stop being their puppet.

So because of bribes (political donations) and blackmail (as listed above), your time has ended and we must instead put our trust in mathematical formulas and debate the formulas instead of debating which political candidate we hate the least.

I just added the abortion thing to compromise with the hardliners, better that way then the way they might go. Honestly we should never even have to think about hardline topics. I see now that the abortion topic was completely unnecessary to bring up given current circumstances. If things were run our way the topic would certainly never have to be brought up at all. Clearly the hardliners are lost in endless delusion, as even there system doesn’t call for it. Population control is unnecessary as there are way to many positive alternatives. The hardliners are obviously planning this for there system, because there system is a disgrace and a fraud. They likely have so many unneeded thoughts and beliefs in there head that they almost never achieve homeostasis, and end up in a vicious circle of dumb thoughts, choices, actions, and bad health. The hardliners are so idiotic that they can’t avoid the hard thoughts… there hard because they are not only wrong to our own human nature, but incorrect and un-needed. Fuck the hardline (not literally), and fuck the hardliners (completely). So goes the phrase “can they sleep at night”.

I see now that the abortion topic was completely unnecessary to bring up given current circumstances. If things were run our way the topic would certainly never have to be brought up at all. Clearly the hardliners are lost in endless delusion, as even there system doesn’t call for it. Population control is unnecessary as there are way to many positive alternatives. The hardliners are obviously planning this for there system, because there system is a disgrace and a fraud. They likely have so many unneeded thoughts and beliefs in there head that they almost never achieve homeostasis, and end up in a vicious circle of dumb thoughts, choices, actions, and bad health.

The hardliners are so idiotic that they can’t avoid the hard thoughts… there hard because they are not only wrong to our own human nature, but incorrect and un-needed. Fuck the hardline (not literally), and fuck the hardliners (completely). So goes the phrase “can they sleep at night”.

Aside from the name thing the bloodside of the myth could stem from the thing I wrote about mandatory abortion after all of this kicks off… maybe I can do something about that after this takes off but currently those websites are pretty strict about never letting you remove things.

anyway whatever…

I’ll just burn in the fire, but it’s still worth it… wish I knew more earlier.

I mean it already will be the fire anyway. It’s like 3 years ago just finished in my head with a dream that happened six years ago and all of the people in my head in relation to both events with the one in the future yet to happen.

I guess the subject was too confusing and hot to be interpreted and prevented.

although its either that, a civil guerilla war, a wall, a genocide…

or a mars mission

I’m leaning toward the mars mission as of late…

of course we will have to win this thing for that…

I know genocide is not on our agenda… Meritocracy will simply leave no space for the unaccepted.

Nothing new… except what’s changed… what else is new…

I think this was meant to happen to make people think.

The show must go on… it’s not black mail if nobody minds. The show or the post… I guess it’s more like a landmine. Some kind of weird round back at you land mine… but there is an opportunity out of every situation. I just didn’t care locally… lol I could write more.

Deceased fantasy lol…

Nothing worse than a unemployed, modern white middle class, low end corporatized, southern city, that is mostly a retirement community but also a collective hotbed of national ideas due to the weather.

Empty and oppressive…

With the internet… when your irish-french-masonish or whatever… Of course the real problem was that I was atheist first. Except none of it was a problem, but all of it, to show it with solutions. I was kind of born into the show… and the name thing was the lead up for it all and with it all. The names are better explained in the sync end credits relative to the holy grail myth found under The Blood Line Code in the information section of my company’s information division. There were a lot of obscure hints… but you could never understand unless you were there.

Hmm the sync show must go on… it is foreseen in my dreamscape and also atleast sometimes while awake (usually the wrong way)… the people like me here can work here later. Visions of the future through dreams… it’s not always what you see but rather what you do after seeing it. You just kind of know… it’s the human collective mind after all and also know that a large portion of this is simply due to the greatness and power within the everlong creative Human spirit. So don’t use it as an excuse to say that anarcho-capitalism is the way to go simply because the media is a business or else you’ll be on the side removing many of the other great powers within us all. It’s not a business thing, it’s a Human thing, although business is largely Human.

Don’t forget to read between the lines.

Enjoy the show…

Forget about that first paragraph… sometimes it’s just fucked and I am used to being able to revise things. I can’t explain whats going on with words… thoughts are ridiculous. I mean I almost never can. I’m still in there trap anyway… I’m only happy that I could find and make the media aswell as explain the “objects”. All the rest has simply been a matter of resisting and moving forward.


So abortion is a very large question in the whole. I would not be here if it was illegal, and I might not be here if some hadn’t had children before age 25. I guess the rest is simply a collective plan as it goes forth everchanging…

So if it’s ever time not that I care currently, but as it goes who knows and i’ll know.

Aslong as options are available, as everyone will simply stop choosing them.

Freakin distracting purposeful propaganda hot button issues… and people worried about afterlife eternal damnation like it’s a punishment to be yourself and that theres something else to sense when your already sensing everything.

Destructive lies…

The only eternal damnation is death of the species because of being distracted by something that’s not here as it goes as the species surviving.

If it does happen I guess it was meant to be as reality simply allowed it so we all chose it.

I continue to like the rest but it’s all so not with what is around as I desire. That’s why I feel local community and government is really all that counts.

More power of everything is more power of the whole-thing.

Everything has a death count.

Everything killed something if traced back to it’s origin.

All strives for it’s end as waste simply occurs, and atleast we feel for less when we can.

Truly I was more for Ron Paul as it seemed he had the right ideas and reasoning regarding whats best for this country and I am certainly against “Zionist” globalism for simple reasons that can be found or rather not found everywhere but given recent circumstances and the off and on realization that really none of the common sense promises (those that make sense given a level of trust with no further information except for the usual can’t be sure’s) found above can be met financially or ethically for many reasons even if they are deplorable and still wouldn’t be structured of a method really worth it unless drastic regime changes were to occur (economically, as well as governmental) and widespread individual effort were to be pursued as with this in mind it only really seems to now make sense as I have thought briefly in the past and particularly around the time the subject in the OT was first drafted ( I have altered it to say both the Republican and Democratic party’s) that as far as what simply can be done given my awareness of those running the institutions written above and the institutions themselves within reason relative to the overall situation of it all from core to outskirt that the only actual practical steps to be taken minus the waste of time issues such as abortion are those already being taken by the Republican party minus excessive defense spending and certainly minus all offensive defense spending as I feel society really doesn’t need protection against itself in anyway other than what the very same thing has already done to society from the past although it’s taken on countless forms but has always been rooted in a psychology of denial, weakness, fear, looking at the past like it can be changed (as even changing the past is done from the present and was still known in the past simply waiting to occur later and thus meeting itself at any point "mind shadow to light etc… aka “schizophrenia”) , looking at something nonexistent, or adherence to written rules in a simple-complex and everchanging environment, aswell as lying, misleading, and even simply starting to write or speak on a subject honestly but without knowing or showing everything relevant etc… So basically the entire thing as it’s all been corrupted and even mostly founded from the inside out on this psychology the psychology of Abrahamism and as such without any societal order the same is likley to occur again but worse until the trends can be broken. Phhh lol well thats one thing. Ok so are the practical things (and i’ll keep this simple sadly) that provide a stable Human base to root out the problems without causing more, educate the children correctly and fully all at the same level with laws protecting all natural Human talents as they all can be used positively, a simple economy operating on simple supply-value and demand or no economy at all as we could all simply ration, produce, and share, (but I’m writing about the Republican party and not The Meritocracy Party, or The Illuminati,) and so lastly relative to the present simply a practical and effective way to cease the influx of uneducated foreign migrants and especially and hopefully those migrants who subscribe to debasing values such as reading The Koran for the most part aswell as keeping the 5th amendment in it’s fullest to allow us to defend against a serious personal threat when necessary as the rest is simply knowing your threat-captor and thy self-space. The mind traverses the globe after all and trends are recognized and acted upon. It’s possession and it happens everyday from birth to death variably depending on the collective and situation, it can be grand, it can be deadly, it can be great. The point (knife or key) is it’s about who you let into your mind and how. It can mostly be worked out by laying down and knowing.

It’s pathetic as to the amount necessary to leave out in order to conform to the present political reality but mostly in order to make a comparison to either political party and manner of custom relative to the current ruling regime of the U.S.A. and likley all 1st-3rd world nations “as it is”.

Alright so forget about the point thing, it only creates a paradigm of good and evil instead of simply confused, stressed, or sick. It’s all the same really… well unless it’s in a world of good and evil… obviously still know if your being mislead by another, even if it’s all the way down to the point and not the being.

You too?

You almost got me here… Queeny. :smile:

But of course it was of course. :smirk:

As it goes… :kissing_heart:

How Do You Do? by Thing One and Thing Two
How Do You Flow? of + - Energy
Loonies and Toonies lol… and

Hmm… from all of this?


I know bill and ted is a different story.