I think that a good way of spreading Meritocracy is through the universities. We should try to start clubs at school. That way even when we leave the club remains. If we have enough clubs, maybe somehow they can be united on a national level, I don’t know what is possible, but it is a good way of recruiting potential members.
University Meritocracy Clubs
That is already working in Maringá PR - Brazil. I’ ve infiltrated the educational system and am starting a cell.
I agree it’s a great idea, been thinking about starting one up at Glasgow Uni, although I think the minimum requirement for a club/group is atleast 3 people and I don’t know anybody else interested in Meritocracy.
What type of activities do you do? Do you have any materials that you could share with other people interested in setting up their own clubs?
I’vy presented the general ideas of Meritocracy and Fight the OWO, Sin for salvation and how to become God for three friends of mine, two of them high school teachers as I am and another a free thinker with a severe regret of his abrahamic past. They really like it but I haven’t seen too much of an effort of their part as they keep asking and waiting for ready answers instead of looking to discover how to become God themselves. I haven’t used any special materials, just plain talk and argument, and the links to rondetafel, Meritocracy and Armageddon Conspiracy website, and the Mike Hochney page at Amazon. They are very interested, but I must say, they are lazy and want me to convince them about the things we propose, instead of doing the dirty work of reading.
We are in a very good position in here, three of us are public high school teachers and we keep some contact with our former University the UEM Universidade Estadual de Maringá PR
I need to add something that I’m very proud and which I think is a merit of mine. I’ve started teaching about four years ago at high school level and by then I’ve already knew the AC site, and since then I’ve been using the knowledge of Illuminism in my classes. I’m proud of being accused to decristianize my students. By now I already had about 1400 to 1500 students, most of them beard about positive liberty, in a disguised way, about the OWO and such. By now I must add, I feel very positive about my life. Regards+
You’ve got a good scheme going man, keep it up.
Having previously ran a university club at my uni, I would like to talk about this. This will only describe the broad conditions in Australia for setting up clubs in major universities.
Firstly it is important to understand what the benefits of setting up a university club are. I have found that they will primarily be that you will be able to post up flyers and posters around campus, that you may get some black and white printing and depending on the body you affiliate to, you may get funding to subsidize travel to conferences and things. You will also get to set up a stall on campus as well, which can be a good way of meeting new people, but is also fairly exacting. There is a bit of an art that goes into making effective stalls.
Secondly, there are affiliation requirements. At most Australian Universities, there will be 2 bodies that you can affiliate to. One is typically the Student Representative Council, the other is a body that can be recognized for running the bar, clubs and most student activities. At UTS it is called Activate UTS. This body tends to control very strongly the club that is going on and will often suppress any kind of political activity (Amnesty international found that activate would not allow it to even hold human rights meetings about events in third world countries) The Student Representative Council by contrast is much less funded, but it will allow you to do what you want, and allow you to fund-raise if needed. At UTS, to affiliate to it you only need 5 members, the minutes of a founding meeting and a constitution, of which they provide a draft. To affiliate at other universities, particularly the University of Sydney it can be a bureaucratic nightmare, with more initial members and more stringent requirements (lots of paperwork). However this is also often attached to more funding.
Thirdly, about how to make them work. For a University club to work there must be a fun, social element to it, otherwise it will be a futile activity. Political groups tend to not be good at this, including the one i used to be in, and they were always wondering why they were not getting results. (Political baggage + serious propaganda outfit = poor results). By contrast the labor party club organizes around insane binge drinking every Friday and Saturday. There is a reason why former Australian PM Bob Hawke held the world record for beer sculling. Students on campus tend to be isolated,stressed and without social networks. Building a club that provides this is a really successful approach, and is the only approach that will achieve results.
How can we compete with those partying societies though? We’re not about meeting up for debauchery, we’re about meeting up to discuss ideas and strategies!
This is a good point. I think it is almost guaranteed that there is a space for clubs that provide friendly and fun human interaction without being debauchery partying things. From observation there are only 2 kinds of clubs, partying societies and corporate astroturfs. What about everyone else? There is definitely space for a more philosophical study group that isn’t immediately connected to the feral activism of groups like socialist alternative for an Australian example.
Oh man, Socialist Alternative. At the start of every lecture in my philosophy course, some student commandeers the podium and projector to drop some propaganda. Everybody just rolls their eyes and pay no attention. I have to give the dude credit for perseverance though, by week two it was apparent nobody gave a fuck, and for the next ten weeks he still showed up and gave his presentation.
Maybe one way of going about things is to set up a philosophy club, focused especially on those philosophers and works which are most influential upon and most closely related to what we are interested in? This way we can kind of slowly introduce people to meritocratic ideas, and in a framework which should be more interesting to certain people than an activist club or an outright politically oriented club.
Lol SAlt (socialist alternative) are really like that. To hang around in Trotskyist groups in general you have to have a specific kind of perseverance akin to constantly slamming your head against a wall in the hope that one day it cracks… oh and there is no other way to make the wall crack.
I think there isn’t any scope for a activist club on a campus, what would work is a combination of a social, discussion and mutual aid society that introduces people to the content of meritocracy, but only occasionally engages in actual activism for really specific and targeted reasons, but focuses more on creating a group of educated people who look out for each other, do fun things and engage in a battle of ideas relating to the way in which democracy and broader society is structured. (and also don’t use getting into fight with cops as a selling point (seriously, this makes people freak the fuck out))
I used to be part of a Trotskyist club, International Students for Social Equality, affiliated with the Fourth Internationale. In fact I think it was actually meeting other Trotskyists, more than anything, that turned me away from communism.
Oh my, former socialist equality party? Out of curiosity did you go to a national day of action called by NUS outside UTS after the first Abbot budget was released in 2014? I remember the SEP putting a student up when there was an open mike at the rally and the content was not well received. My by far largest criticism of Trotskyist organisations aside from their amazingly absurd sectarianism is that their propaganda work draws in students, but then they behave in such horrific, unthinking and stereotypical ways that they poison the mere notion of radical politics for large numbers of young people, so in this way they end up reinforcing the status quo.
No. I signed up in 2012 and attended a couple of meetings. I knew after that, that I didn’t want anything to do with them. They still have my email though and I get the odd ‘SEP rally at Redfern!’ message. It’s interesting that you were enlisted too!
haha no, I was never in the SEP but i did certainly hear about them and see them in action a few times XD. It is perversely hilarious. Many of their political positions are really of the deep end, and describe a very different world to the one we live in.
I might start up the Meritocratic Bacchanalian society in my uni, I know it would go down a treat. Doubt we would achieve anything except maybe liver damage. It is a fantastic idea though, imagine a meritocracy club in every major University in the world.
I think people tend to achieve whatever they put their minds to, including liver damage though it is important to be realistic about what is possible to achieve at any given stage and to use this to build the basis of success. Hope this goes well
post up things if you do decide to do things though, as we can learn allot from what other people are doing. I will certainly put things of concrete stuff I decide to do.
I am just updating, that we should have a Meritocracy club up and running at LSU in the Spring. It was easy to start, I think that more ppl. should make clubs at their own Uni. It is a great way to attract students and is a way to exercise our creative abilities together (within the club/ it is its own community within the overall Movement). And the club remains after you graduate, if you are successful.
I was thinking of the overall scheme, and am thinking of having the Round Table model, but you must earn your right to vote. Such as showing that you have adequate knowledge of Meritocracy. I may also add other criteria.
I plan on allowing people to present anything, to express themselves for what they think will be for the good of the community. I will have a defined list of goals for the club (to start out with, but they can change by the round table). Other things such have having people expose corruption and present their Ideal City-State. Discuss the actual implementation of Meritocracy. The main focus is on recruitment and forming a community, so that we can support each other and grow as individual leaders, become better followers and to grow in number.
In the future I will post the model of the club. Post any ideas, that may be implemented.