Hello to all,
My name is David, I was born and raised in Utah USA. I spend my time creating music (or what I call mugic, music magic), writing my philosophies, creating a pure system of psychology, building a scientific religion, and gaining knowledge. I have never been involved in politics as of yet, I am 20 years old and have been studying meritocracy for only a little while now. However, I shall put forth my full effort into enlightening the world to meritocracy and evolving the human race towards a new world order. I have gathered a small peer group of enlightened minds who wish to bring down the old world and elevate humanity to a divine state. We are motivated and engaged, doing everything within our power to overcome the darkness and let the light of logic shine. I am a leader and I know that the world lies in the fate of our hands, each and everyone of us. We will prevail, it is only a matter of time. The more effort we put into this cause, the stronger and quicker we achieve the ultimate effect. I know that we are all part of the same being, and I see meritocracy as the stepping stone for humanity to unite as one with the All. Ideally, I would like to start a solid meritocracy party here in the united states and help bring it into the light as a mainstream political party. To help put power into the hands of the people, so we can start a revolution that changes the world. Immediately, I will spread the word of meritocracy and open up my peers minds, so we as a whole can bring the dawn of a new age. I will better myself with knowledge so I can obtain the wisdom to achieve my full potential in this corrupt world. As well as utilities this website for everything it is worth, along with other websites I have come across. I have not been educated on politics until I began educating myself. I am not sure how to start a party, so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know. For now I will share this website with my friends, and together we will help spread the word of meritocracy.
Thank you
Utah Region
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