We are not an indigenous, primitive culture. Is it the job of a meritocratic government to make changes just for your preferences? No. We need to work with what the best option for everyone is. That is the only true socially conscious governing method.
Self-sufficiency has nothing to do with it.
Big business already produces food. We have a more rational civilization which frees us from primitive food production jobs. Why should we be scared of this progress?
The only thing land is useful for is biodiversity considerations.
If you want to live in a commune, such a thing can be built in a city. What’s the problem?
The grand sweeping changes are important for a meritocracy. Not something highly unattached to meritocratic principles, such as the usage status of a piece of land. Most of the economic production comes from business, services, trade, and not individual land owners. It would be very stupid and inefficient to suggest people are better off working on farms (taking up land) than working within a harmonious city environment with lots of varied job and education opportunities.
We are not an indigenous, primitive culture. Communism failed because it was scared of super-abstract capital power (amassing working capital) that corporations have. Rational Gnostics are not afraid of power, we simply want to direct the public good away from parasitic, predatory capitalism. We want capitalism without crutches. To that end, it is irrational and borders on concern trolling to say that property rights are a human right.
Land management is a much more complex issue than simply giving individual uneducated people the land. Business and infrastructure is a much more integral part of industrialized life than living on a farm like paranoid, primitive tribes. Living isolated from cities is nonsensical, there is no justification for not wanting to be a part of the regular industrialized world (consuming electric power; relying on the waste management of the state; relying on our laws and comparitively advanced products and services).
Meritocracy is inherently leftist, socially conscious, and concerned with the running of everyday society. Wanting to go off-grid (negative liberty) is the exact opposite, selfish kind of intent and set of values;- which do not belong in a discussion about meritocratic governance of the nation.
Living in boxes is exactly the figurative, subjective value we want to turn around – it is a false dilemma to suggest that living on farms is the only alternative to the soulless, bedgrudging, grim modern jobs and interactions that many have today “within the system”. The Gnostic worldview asserts that power and technology are simply things we can master and use for evolution. We are not afraid of the government in Principle; i.e. we will simply aim to turn it around for public good.
Meritocracy is about creating a world in which you don’t have to hide in the first place. This is the necessary grand justice for the atrocities (endless paperwork, endless stubborn rules, endless unmeritocratic advantage) which we need to set straight right in the very cities; the pillars of economic opportunity.
Hiding has nothing to do with meritocracy. Meritocracy must be about integration, inclusiveness for anyone who wants to contribute something truly amazing. So, we can’t be advising illegal and unreasonable expectations for everyone to follow such as living off grid or hiding away from common sense, rational, civil rules of engagement with the rest of the system. Instead, the system should simply change to what makes the most sense for everyone. It doesn’t make sense to punish people for wanting city lives. Therefore a meritocracy should not do that.
Growing your own food has nothing to do with national human wellbeing and social good (socially conscious government; meritocratic government), therefore it’s a useless subject to pursue in itself when we are talking about grand sweeping changes that need to be made to help everyone, not just people who want to stay on a farm while the rest of the world is exploring science and technology and philosophy and all higher cultural avenues.
Open land has nothing to do with modern life. The future of the world is attached to city life, taxes, and having to live within a ruleset fair to all. This is non-negotiable, it’s an undeniable fact of life.