Where are you in the UK?


  • Dimitri (North)


  • Fran Healands (South)


  • Ed Nix

I’m from Surrey

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Steven (Dorset)

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North Wales or Yorkshire usually.

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I’m from Liverpool originally but live in Berkshire at the moment from Sunday to Friday but go up to Liverpool most weekends :smile:


Welcome @Anna91! Have you thought about introducing yourself over here?

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Quinton, Birmingham

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Plymouth, Devon :slight_smile:

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I’m from Lytham St. Annes (North West England).

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Duncan from Henllan, Denbigh, Norh Wales, UK

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David in Leeds West Yorkshire.

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I’m from Swindon, UK.

Do I need to start another thread to ask someone to clarify something about meritocracy?

Most of what I know about meritocracy comes from reading the books over at armageddoconspiracy.co.uk

I just started my website illuminatireviews.com about them, (to review their books).

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I’m Manchester-based, and am very much up for some proactive Meritorious activism.


That’s awesome :+1:t4:

I’m Buckinghamshire based - putting out feelers.

I am from Greater London,

Anyone interested in Meritocratic Activism please contact me via substack