**Where are you from?**
I am from Prince Edward Island, Canada.
**How do you like to spend your free time?**
I tell people I am FAT (Farmer, Artist, Teacher). That basically sums up what I like to do.
**Have you been involved in any political activism?**
No, I find people who are “professional activists” nauseating. They erode the value of activism by taking up any cause - even ones they do not understand.
**Have you been involved in any other volunteer activities?**
Not really, I have organized a few charity events but have spent most of my time working in the daily grind and the rest of my time learning and trying to advance myself. However I have been a leader of different organizations/societies.
**What's your native language?**
**What formal skills do you possess, vocational, academic or otherwise?**
I have Bachelors of Education, a BA in History and English, formal permaculture education from Sepp Holzer and Dave Jacke, and the rest has all come from books.
**What personal qualities or traits would you highlight of yourself?**
I am an ENTJ, but am in the middle of E and I. I enjoy being social, but also spend a lot of time being Introverted and contemplating.
**What is your understanding of Meritocracy and why does it appeal to you?**
I am sick and tired of the suffering and inequality I am witnessing all around me. People should have equal opportunity in the material world from birth. Period.
**How would you ideally like to contribute?**
I dont know how I would like to contribute, but I feel drawn towards the cause. I can contribute my knowledge of farming and educational systems.
**What practical contribution can you begin making immediately?**
My organization is currently starting a social enterprise. One of the divisions of our enterprise is Child Care. I plan to contribute by basing our system on Meritocratic principles. Our family farm is also based on farming with Nature, meritocracy, and empowering farmers to get back to their noble roots of self sufficiency and away from their dependance on large scale Agribusiness.