Changing peoples values is one way to get to Meritocracy. The coded “fiction” novel The Bling King shows examples of this.
I have come up with a little trickster tactic:
Bumper stickers for all expensive cars you can find. Next time you see a Porsche or a Mercedes Benz you can show your love for our slave-masters by putting a little bumper sticker on their car. Obviously you put the sticker on quickly and without being seen.
Some suggestions for stickers you could print:
“Born Rich, Sucked in Poor People!”
“Poor People Suck!”
“Goldman Sachs Owns You Bitch!”
“Rich People Are Above The Law”
“Be my Employee Slave!”
"Never Worked A Day In My Life"
I know its a bit naughty, but the public reaction from other drivers and pedestrians would start to create a hatred towards selfish rich people who dare to show off their wealth and rub it in our faces with their over-priced cars.