I have this idea that involves randomly splitting a list of volunteers into teams of 3 each. Each team member specifies how many hours they can commit. Using that information and knowledge of who can do what, each team then has 1 week to produce a piece of work that they believe will further Meritocratic Democracy. It can be anything that they think will help move things forward.
After 1 week, each team presents what they’ve created on the forum for constructive feedback. We can vote for the best piece of work as well.
We then repeat the process and set up the randomisation so that you end up with people you haven’t teamed up with yet as much as possible.
The piece of work can range from creating something new to improving something that already exists. The key is that we engage with other another and learn more about the meritocrats around us.
Who is on board with doing this? You can add your name below along with how many hours you can put in and your relevant skill set / what you’re good at if you want. We should start with at least 9 people, for a 3x3.
- @Roberto - 5 hours
- @NiallAC - 5 hours
- @JoelNoel0 - 2 hours
@Zetsuboukize - 4 hourshas no time for the next couple of months - @EMX - 6 hours
- @Nitzol - 3 hours
- @Lee_Kaberlein - 2 hours
- @SeanMac - 2 hours
- @Klockars - 1 hour