Salutations from an anglo-saxon kin, living in Ireland.
I stumbled across your website, and I am hard pressed to find much I haven’t thought myself. It’s very liberating to know there are other groups, like this out there.
Seeing this site, and the progress you’ve made is very inspirational, and worthy of praise.
I won’t lie most of my free time is mainly occupied thinking about an ideal state and the future of humanity, but I’m very interested in psychology and politics.
Presently, I am part of a group that too aspires to implement a meritocratic system. We have developed a prototype based on a form of utilitarianism, that we intend to experiment with in the near future.
We want to be as rational as possible, and will be open to feedback.
English is my main language.
I have no formal qualifications, as I am still a student.
I am very driven for self-improvement, and find nothing more fulfilling than to sate a lust for knowledge.
An Ideal Meritocracy, has decisions in a respective area being made by those who are most suited. I.e a team of educators, education scientists etc… would be in charge of developing & optimizing the details of a curriculum (without the limitations of a private agenda)
The appeal here, is that the decisions made by governance, really are optimized to benefit the common good, as far as possible. It shall not be a series of opinions and facades.
I’d like to contribute, by starting an exchange of ideas from my own group, and yours. There are some details, that you may have neglected.
Immediately I’ll be providing feedback, on the topics that have been discussed in the community so far.
Glad to see such an educated tier of people populating this site.