Hello everyone,
I’m Yannick, a 22-year-old student from Southern Germany. My subjects are (Contemporary) History and Rhetoric, for my M.A. I’ll move to the Netherlands in August to advance my studies in September.
I spend my free time reading, writing, travelling, learning languages and getting excited about life. I published some experimental poetry in German literature magazines and am mostly involved in projects at the Universitys’ department of History. My main focus is shifting towards Colonial History, Global History and Historical Discourse Analysis/Intellectual History.
Furthermore, I’m interested in fitness, nutrition, Taoism, shamanism, ethnology, music (Stoner rock/metal, sludge, classical heavy metal, jazz and much more), cooking, wine, German and Belgian beer and lots of other nice & profane things.
Due to my general scepticism concerning politics, I’ve never been drawn to any form of political activism or party politics. I always prefered being detached from contemporary events and observing the way concepts and ideas evolve, but in fact, I was never satisfied as I constantly aware of the fact that I needed to express my political nature (after all, everyone of us is a “zoon politikon”, as Aristotle put it.) My main field of activism has always been literature, but after finding out that there is a shattered community of meritocrats on the internet, I thought that might be a good possibility for a contribution and exchange of ideas.
I’ve been blessed with a truly European childhood (born in the Netherlands, raised in Northern Italy during early childhood, moved to Germany at the age of 4 years). I always had highly sceptical views of status quo politics, but I always despised left- and right-wing activists for their totalitarian approaches. So, at one point, I consciously decided to leave the classical terrain of political thought in search for a superior model of society. Meritocracy has always fascinated me as a concept, but I always associated them with the Chinese Han-Dynasty and the political system of Singapore. I took some time until I realized that the basi elements of meritocracy enable us to blend the best of Western political thought - personal responsibility, social justice and, political stabilization and dynamism at the same.
Personal qualities… wow, that’s a tough one! Anyway, basing on what friends and strangers told me, I would say: I have a strong diplomatic gift, a convincing speechmaker and orator, but nontheless rather calm and considerate. Politically, the future of Europe is a huge concern for me, as we re witnessing a dangerous process of political desintegration caused by ignorant by the ignorant creation of economal ties between countries that don’t share common conceptions about productivity, output and efficiency. Seeing the results this is causing is just terrible…
I would love to elaborate some of my ideas in English and in German, but before I am able to dedicate myself to such an endeavour, I’ll just spend a bit of time getting in touch with your ideas.
To me, meritocracy is what a democratic (let alone communist) welfare state would never be capable to do: To combine social justice with a high degree of productivity and genius in all fields of economy, research and public life.
Glad to join the forum & greetings to all of you,