My name is John I was born and raised in Cleveland Ohio USA. I currently live in Cleveland now running several businesses. My grandfather & father were both entrepreneurs and I have followed in their foot steps but with my own corporations. My professional skill sets include Marketing consulting, graphic design, website design, SEO, and business management. I’m also very fluent with computer technology. I take great pride in helping others achieve their goals with my companies and through personal efforts. I love to share my knowledge with others and help empower them to achieve higher levels of success in business and in their personal lives when possible.
I spend my free time reading as much as I can on many topics. Knowledge is power. I am a huge advocate of physical fitness and nutrition. I workout 6 days a week and really enjoy cooking wholesome meals that feed the body with healing nutrients. Strong Mind Body & Soul.
I have not been involved with political activism but the current state of the world has inspired me to make a difference for mankind using the skills I have. The Old World Order must be irradiated, humans deserve a better situation that is not controlled by certain elite groups and families that are only concerned with control and their own wellbeing. It must be stopped and I believe we can make the change needed for a brighter path for humans and our planet.
I have not been inspired to volunteer my time to any one formally organized cause but always volunteer my time to others in the most positive light possible. I love to help others.
My native language is English.
As stated, my formal skills are marketing consulting, graphic design, website design, SEO, and business management. I’m also very fluent with computer technology. I also have excellent communication skills and understand the art of negotiations at a very high level. I have leadership qualities that have matured over my 20+ years in business.
I am a very honest, caring, respectful person that treats others with the kind of kindness that has seemed to be forgotten in some walks of life. I help others with no expectation of getting anything in return. I try to set the example that only few can respect.
I would love to contribute to Meritocracy with my knowledge and skill sets - marketing, graphic design, SEO, and management if possible. I feel I bring excellent qualities that will benefit The Movement. I would like to make my contributions immediately if asked.
Im proud and honored to be apart of The Movement. I am always here to help.
Respectfully with trust and sincerity,
John DeGaetano (JJDNOW)
Cleveland, Ohio USA